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Showing 21 to 40 of 63 results in 4 pages.
16 dezembro 2022 | Nota informativa
After breaking an annual record in 2021, total Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) bond issuance in international markets has slowed considerably in 2022.
29 novembro 2022 | Nota informativa
The United States has witnessed historic inflation since the economy began to reopen in 2021 following the COVID-19 lockdowns. Here are some of these inflation trends in five charts:
8 novembro 2022 | Nota informativa
The ECLAC Office in Washington D.C. has published new issue of its Series Studies and Perspectives.
8 novembro 2022 | Nota informativa
The ECLAC Office in Washington D.C. has published new issue of its Series Studies and Perspectives.
11 julho 2022 | Nota informativa
In 2021, economic growth in the United States was the strongest since 1984 (5.7%) but in the first quarter of 2022 the economy contracted. Here is the economic outlook in five charts:
20 dezembro 2021 | Nota informativa
Economic growth in the United States slowed to a 2.1% annual rate in the third quarter of 2021, from a 6.7% annual rate in the second.
17 junho 2021 | Nota informativa
Capital Flows to Latin America and the Caribbean—First four months of 2021 Latin American and Caribbean debt issuers reached a milestone in the first quarter of 2021, registering the highest quarterly issuance on record in international bond markets. In the first four months of 2021, the total reached US$ 65.5 billion.
4 maio 2021 | Nota informativa
The United States economy contracted at a 3.5% annual rate in 2020; faster growth is expected in 2021.
10 novembro 2020 | Nota informativa
Global financial conditions have shown signs of stabilization since end of March, due to the action of the major central banks.
5 de junho de 2020 | Nota informativa
En el marco del programa de cooperación CEPAL-BMZ/giz “Sendas de desarrollo sostenible para países de ingresos medios en el marco de la agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible en América Latina y el Caribe”, se organizó un taller virtual sobre “Ocupaciones emergentes y regulación del trabajo de plataformas en Costa Rica”, el día 4 de junio 2020. El taller formaba parte del trabajo que se realiza en el Cluster 2 sobre cambio digital del actual programa de cooperación CEPAL-BMZ/giz.
23 abril 2020 | Nota informativa
The U.S. economy grew 2.3% in 2019; a recession is expected in 2020.
26 de março de 2020 | Nota informativa
El webinar forma parte de una serie de eventos virtuales organizados por el Workstream de Género y Energía + de GADeR-ALC para acercar las diferentes temáticas, desde la que se ha propuesto hacer una incorporación del enfoque de género novedoso y disruptivo en distintas partes de Latinoamérica.
18 dezembro 2019 | Nota informativa
The U.S. economy slowed from around 3% annualized growth in 2018 to 2% in 2019.
10 julho 2019 | Nota informativa
In the first quarter of 2019 the U.S. economy grew at an above-trend annualized rate of 3.1%
8 maio 2019 | Nota informativa
The U.S. debt burden became heavier as a result of the unprecedented policy response to the global financial crisis and economic recession, and it has continued to grow.
24 de abril de 2019 | Nota informativa
Representantes de los gobiernos de Argentina, Chile y la República Dominicana participaron en el evento paralelo sobre “Revolución tecnológica: Desafíos y oportunidades para la industria, el empleo, la igualdad de género y el desarrollo social”, que tuvo lugar el miércoles 24 de abril. Fue organizado por las divisiones de Desarrollo Social (DDS), Desarrollo Productivo y Empresarial (DPPE), Desarrollo Económico (DDE) y de Asuntos de Género (DAG) con el apoyo de la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
26 março 2019 | Nota informativa
In its annual publication “Fiscal Panorama of Latin America and the Caribbean 2019,” ECLAC highlights the role of tax policy in fulfilling the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The second publication, The Latin American Economic Outlook (LEO) analyses issues related to sustainable and inclusive development in Latin America and the Caribbean.
20 dezembro 2018 | Nota informativa
The U.S. economic expansion, which is in its tenth year, is approaching record length but not strength. November marked the 113th month of growth for the U.S. economy, and there have been 38 consecutive quarters of growth. This is the second longest expansion on record, only the 1991-2001 expansion is longer, and it is expected to continue into next year and become the longest on record.