Ibero-American Space. Foreign investment. Opportunities for boosting renewed relations
(November 2012, Spanish only)


This document is a contribution from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) to the preparatory process for the 22nd Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government (Cádiz, Spain, 16 and 17 November 2012). Its main aim is to provide governments with a broad and informed perspective of some relevant aspects of development for Ibero-American countries.

Population Notes 94
(2012, Spanish only)

Author: CELADE – Population Division of ECLAC

This edition of Population Notes includes eight studies on various issues relevant to socio-demographic research in Latin America and the Caribbean, at the national and regional levels. The studies adopt approaches and methodologies aimed at highlighting the transformations under way in the population, spaces and environments, families and generations.

The People's Republic of China and Latin America and the Caribbean. Dialogue and cooperation for the new challenges of the global economy

Author: ECLAC

This document was produced as part of the ECLAC-Ford Foundation project on territorial inequalities and social exclusion of indigenous and Afrodescendent peoples in Latin American countries. The aim is to present a sociodemographic analysis of the indigenous peoples of Argentina, with data from the 2001 population, household and housing census. The information is expected to facilitate the design and monitoring of programmes and policies targeting these groups.

Fiscal reform in Latin America. What fiscal system for what development?
(2012, Spanish only)

Editors: Alicia Bárcena and Narcís Serra

The economic growth experienced by Latin America in recent years has enabled gradual progress to be made towards a robust fiscal situation in the region, despite the enormous differences that exist among countries. However, a detailed analysis reveals persistent economic and social inequality. This publication brings together contributions by renowned experts in the framework of the Ibero-American Development Agenda, and is the initiative of ECLAC, SEGIB and CIDOB. It aims to stimulate academic and political debate around various issues that are crucial for the region.

European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean: Investments for growth, social inclusion and environmental sustainability

Author: ECLAC

This document is a contribution by ECLAC to the preparatory process for the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and the European Union, which will be held in Santiago on 26 and 27 January 2013. It seeks to provide a broad and well-informed view of the main dimensions of development in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean and the European Union, as well as an insight into the central theme of the Summit: investments for economic growth, social inclusion and environmental sustainability.

climate change impacts

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