Natural Resources Governance Is Key to Regional Development, Claims ECLAC

Latin America has 65% of the lithium reserves in the planet, 49% of silver, 44% of copper, 33% of tin and 13% of oil.

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ruralPhoto: Carlos Vera/ECLAC
A Historic Opportunity for Relations between China and Latin America and the Caribbean.
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What did Mexico and Canada Do for Recovering from the 2008-2009 Crisis?
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Health Tourism, a New Market for Latin America and the Caribbean.
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Possible and Sustainable Amazonia.
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ECLAC's Most Recent Documents and Reports.

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Important Events Up to August 2012.
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If Not Counted, Violence Against Women Does Not Count

The study Si no se cuenta, no cuenta. Información sobre la violencia contra las mujeres (If not counted, it does not count. Information on violence against women) drafted by ECLAC’s Gender Division presents a complete overview of this subject in the region.
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Photo: Talita Oliveira, Flickr

Quito to Host ECLAC’s Meeting on Population and Development
The next meeting of the ECLAC Ad Hoc Committee on Population and Development will take place in the capital of Ecuador from 4-6 July 2012. At the event, specific topics that are relevant to the region in terms of population, territory and sustainable development will be discussed.
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salud-e Policies to Foster Structural Change, Growth and Equality to be Explored during the next ECLAC Session
The Organization’s Thirty-Fourth Session will be held in San Salvador, El Salvador, from 27-31 August 2012. ECLAC will present a document that focuses on policies necessary to promote economic growth in the region by creating more jobs and enhancing equality.
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herramientas Call for Papers on Planning and Development Opens
The selected papers will be presented during the first ECLAC sessions on economic and social planning to be held on 25-26 April 2013.
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