Sense of belonging in fragmented societies. Latin America from
a global perspective

(November 2011, Spanish only)

Compiled by: Martín Hopenhayn and Ana Sojo

This publication, jointly edited with the publisher Siglo XXI, includes a set of reports by renowned individuals on the general issue of social cohesion and which were compiled on the basis of presentations given during the seminar “Sense of belonging in the 21st Century: Lessons for Latin America and the Caribbean from a global perspective”, held at ECLAC at the end of 2009. It investigates the sense of belonging by discussing the tension between individual, social and political matters.

2012 Latin American Economic Outlook. Transforming the State for development
(October 2011, Spanish only)


This document was jointly prepared by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and ECLAC to analyse the crucial role which the State has to play in the economic growth and development of the countries in the region. Its main message is that in order to progress towards more equitable and inclusive societies, it is not enough to have social policies from the past years. The State must improve the quality and effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policies, and actively promote education, investment in infrastructure and innovation and productive development.

Ibero-American Space: Towards a new State architecture for development
(October 2011, Spanish only)


The document was launched during the 21st Ibero-American Summit of Chiefs and Heads of State and of Government, held in Asuncion, Paraguay, on 28 and 29 October. It stresses the importance of creating fiscal and social pacts in the countries of the region, since "the new State architecture will only be possible with a new State-market-society balance which increases the resources available in order to achieve the development objectives".

Inclusive development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Reports on productive convergence policies for equality
(September 2011, Spanish only)

Editor: Ricardo Infante

This publication deals with issues which are important for progressing towards economic growth with greater equality. It includes essays by renowned Latin American specialists which develop the proposals presented by ECLAC in its document “Time for equality: closing gaps, opening trails”, launched for the Thirty-third session of ECLAC in June 2010.

Electronic Catalogue of Publications 2011
(October 2011, Spanish only)

Auhtor: ECLAC

The annual electronic catalogue of publications includes the most recent ECLAC publications and it facilitates electronic access to more than 1,500 documents produced over the last 20 years. It contains annual reports, joint publications, contingency documents, topical essays, monographs and academic articles, among other important publications.