Carbon Footprint May Deepen
Latin America Trade Vulnerability

Latin America and the Caribbean has an export matrix heavily dependent on environmentally sensitive products, and thus would be affected by measures taken that discriminate products based on their carbon footprint, warns ECLAC.

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Photo: confusedbee, Flickr


Mexico and Brazil: Towards a Shared Route
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Programmes for Social Control of Public Spending Halt Corruption
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Corporate Social Responsibility. Moving Towards a Regional Agenda
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ECLAC's most recent documents and reports.

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Important events up to January 2011.
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New Information and Communications Technologies Contribute to Improve Quality and Equality in Education

Costa Rica was the first country to implement the use of ICTs in education, in 1988. Chile, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia and Argentina followed with similar initiatives in the 1990s. Since 2000 almost all the countries of the region have joined this trend.

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Photo: Enlaces, MINEDUC
Dignity and Self-determination in Old Age
By 2040, 26.6% of the total care load will be concentrated in people over 75. ECLAC offers a course on social protection strategies oriented to this population sectorRead More>
Progress and Pending Challenges in Women's Rights
During the XI Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean held in Brasilia ECLAC's proposal of redistributing the total workload (paid and unpaid work) between the State, the market and the family was welcomed. What are the challenges ahead?
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ELAC to Present Advances in the use of Broadband and Information and Communications Technologies at Ministerial Conference
The Third Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean that will take place in Lima, Peru on 21- 23 November, will define a new Regional Plan of Action on this issue for the next five years.
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