Caregiving in Action: Between Rights and Work
(July 2010)

Authors: Sonia Montaño Virreira and Coral Calderón Magaña (Coordinators), Cuadernos de la CEPAL

Analysis of the economics of caregiving – of children, older persons, people with disabilities and the ill – and women’s workload to sustain it, impeding the full equality of men and women in the labour market.


Social Spending on Housing and Urban Development
(July 2010)

Authors: Raquel Szalachman and María Paz Collinao, Environment and Development Series

Historical overview of spending on housing and urban development in the region, with an analysis of the efficiency and effectiveness of public policies, comparing the needs of the population with the efforts of the State to satisfy them.


The Incorporation of Digital Technologies in Education.
Models to Identify Good Practices

(July 2010)

Author: Magdalena Claro, Projects Document

Analysis of good practices in the use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) in education in order to understand the conditions under which educational centers and teachers can attain good results with them.


Legislative and Parliamentary Agendas for the Development of Women’s Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean
(July 2010)

Author: Evangelina García Prince, Women and Development Series

Overview of the factors that have contributed to constitutional, legal and institutional progress on gender equality and non-discrimination in women’s citizen rights


Conditional Transfer Programmes, Social Policies and Combating
Poverty in Panama

(June 2010)

Author: Alexis Rodríguez Mojica, Social Policies Series

Study of the changes in social policy and poverty reduction in Panama as a result of conditional transfer programmes in Panama.


Role of Labour Unions and Collective Bargaining and their Impact on the Efficiency and Equality of the Labour Market
(June 2010)

Author: Patricio Frías Fernández, Macroeconomics of Development Series

General overview of the role of labour unions and collective bargaining in labour markets in the context of global economic crisis.


Gender Perspective in Labour Institutions and Labour Market
Policies in Latin America

(June 2010)

Author: Roxana Maurizio, Macroeconomics of Development Series

Study of labour institutions and labour market policies in Latin America from a gender perspective, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses and assessing to what extent they help eliminate all forms of discrimination.


Integrated Policies on Infrastructure, Transportation and Logistics: International Experiences and Initial Proposals
(May 2010)

Authors: Georgina Cipoletta Tomassian, Gabriel Pérez Salas and Ricardo J. Sánchez, Natural Resources and Infrastructure Series

Study on good practices of integrated policies in infrastructure, transportation and logistics as an interconnected system applied in different parts of the world.


Indicators of Public Policies on Energy Efficiency in
Latin America and the Caribbean

(May 2010)

Author: Luiz Augusto Horta (Coordinator), Projects Document

Proposal of tools for assessing energy efficiency programmes, including indicators of energy intensity.


Comparative Analysis of Programmes for Older Persons in Mexico
(May 2010)

Authors: Gloria M. Rubio and Francisco Garfias, Social Policies Series

Study of the main characteristics of programmes for older persons in Mexico within the general context of social spending and the comparative effectiveness of these programmes.