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Showing 1 to 10 of 10 results in 1 pages.
Publication cover
noviembre 2015 |
  • Smith, Ransford

This paper will contend that the post-2015 development agenda presents a major opportunity for Caribbean countries to reverse decades of lagging...

Publication cover
agosto 2013 |
  • Taccari, Daniel
  • Stockins, Pauline

El presente documento propone un marco conceptual y metodológico para abordar el análisis de las discrepancias observadas entre los valores de los...

Publication cover
diciembre 2012 |
  • Stockins, Pauline
NU. CEPAL. División de Estadísticas

En diversos ámbitos de las intervenciones de desarrollo ha venido teniendo mucha fuerza el trabajo sobre la noción de buenas prácticas. La misma...

Publication cover
diciembre 2011 |
  • Mendoza, Patricia
  • Stuart, Sheila
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

The eight Millennium Development Goals - which range from halving extreme poverty to halting the spread of HIV and AIDS and providing universal...

Publication cover
agosto 2010 |
  • Geiser, Hans
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

This report is commissioned by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean,...

Publication cover
diciembre 2008 |

This report proposes a series of gender indicators as instruments to support Member States of the United Nations in monitoring the Convention on...

Publication cover
julio 2007 |

By processing Census micro data from 10 countries in the region, we answer several questions that can be categorized under the following three...

Publication cover
marzo 2007 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Estadística y Proyecciones Económicas

This document was prepared by José Luis Cervera-Ferri, Consultant, ECLAC, and Hubert Escaith, ECLAC Statistics and Economic Projections Division,...

Publication cover
septiembre 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Desarrollo Social

The current nutritional situation of Latin America and the Caribbean is another indicator of its social inequalities. With food production...

Publication cover
mayo 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Desarrollo Social

Food insecurity and hunger are closely associated with extreme poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean, but they should not be confused with it...