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ECLAC Caribbean talks to Trinidad students about disasters

12 de octubre de 2015|Noticias

For the first time ever, students from Trinidad have received first-hand information on disaster assessment from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) subregional office in Port of Spain.

ECLAC visit to Tranquility

ECLAC visit to Tranquility
ECLAC visit to Tranquility
ECLAC Caribbean

A team from the ECLAC Port of Spain office visited the Tranquility Government Primary School in Port of Spain and the Diamond Vale Government Primary School in Diego Martin on 30 September – 01 October, to share information on how the students can better prepare themselves and their families to prevent, recognize the signs, and deal with disasters. 
The team delivered two awareness raising sessions to almost 200 fourth and fifth standard students from the two schools, as part of the organisation’s aim to promote disaster assessment awareness from an early age across the region. 
The sessions were interactive and the ECLAC team answered questions raised by the students, during and after the presentations. The sessions are part of the ongoing disaster assessment capacity building effort by ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean in Port of Spain, which the organization is undertaking to deliver in countries that make requests for training. 
In addition to training policymakers and disaster assessment officials, the team continues to implement a comprehensive programme of awareness raising among students and youth across the Caribbean. 
For Trinidad and Tobago, there will be similar sessions over the next few months in rural and other areas, in keeping with ECLAC Caribbean’s commitment to its host country. 
Delivering the talks to the students were ECLAC’s Sustainable Development and Disaster Unit Coordinator Omar Bello and Associate Environment Affairs Officer Leda Peralta.