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14 marzo 2016 | Noticias
ECLAC offers technical insight on energy efficiency and renewable energy, with a view to enhancing Saint Lucia’s capacity to create improved financing products in order to attract investment that will encourage the development of the energy sector in the country.
7 marzo 2016 | Infografía
The unpaid care work performed primarily by women, underpins all societies, contributing to well-being, social development and economic growth. Care work involves a variety of domestic tasks, such as the preparation of food, cleaning, washing and ironing of clothes, the collection of water and fuel for cooking, as well as, the care of mostly dependant family members, including children, older persons and persons with disabilities. The time-use survey is the only available tool for measuring unpaid care work and is also a more cost effective method of collecting timely and accurate data on the gender division of labour within households and the interdependence of the paid and unpaid work undertaken by women and men.
3 marzo 2016 | Noticias
ECLAC has called on Caribbean countries to develop a Big Data Strategy to ensure that they take full advantage of the data revolution for sustainable development.
1 marzo 2016 | Noticias
ECLAC’s mission to the Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) will mark the organization’s first venture in Brazil in the area of disaster assessment, and its first partnership with a national development bank in this regard.
5 febrero 2016 | Noticias
Peru’s National Center for Estimation, Prevention and Disaster Risk Reduction (CENEPRED) now has an established network of trained staff throughout the country, which may be successfully activated in case of a disaster.
30 noviembre 2015 | Anuncio
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) subregional headquarters for the Caribbean has convened a Caribbean conference on Ageing, elder abuse and the rights of older persons.
24 de noviembre de 2015 | Noticias
La Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) está trazando el camino a seguir para que los países del Caribe faciliten el acceso de los investigadores a los microdatos censales.
29 octubre 2015 | Noticias
Peru is among the countries of Latin America that is most vulnerable to natural disasters. As the regional hub for the provision of strengthened leadership in disaster assessment and post disaster needs analysis across Latin America and the Caribbean, ECLAC subregional office for the Caribbean has conducted a series of training sessions in disaster assessment in different regions of Peru.
Foto aérea de una isla del Caribe
25 de agosto de 2015 | Noticias
Delegados conocerán también en Santa Lucía sobre el proceso de negociación para la creación de un acuerdo regional sobre el Principio 10.
21 agosto 2015 | Noticias
ECLAC Caribbean explores the Big Data phenomenon, drawing on the knowledge of experts around the region to address its implications and uses.
31 julio 2015 | Noticias
Policy makers and children in Costa Rica will soon be better prepared to prevent and deal with disasters, as ECLAC Caribbean brings its disaster assessment package to the country.
13 de julio de 2015 | Comunicado de prensa
La Secretaria Ejecutiva del organismo, Alicia Bárcena, dará a conocer este planteamiento en la Tercera Conferencia Internacional sobre Financiamiento para el Desarrollo que se celebra en Addis Abeba.
2 de julio de 2015 | Comunicado de prensa
El Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas participó en un evento de alto nivel sobre desarrollo sostenible en el Caribe.
2 julio 2015 | Discurso
By Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Secretary-General.
1 julio 2015 | Infografía
The Caribbean region is vulnerable to many types of weather related disaster as well as earthquakes. Disaster in the region have inceased over time. They are recurrent and happen unexpectedly. Damage and Loss Assessment is the basis for Post Disaster Needs Assessment.
1 julio 2015 | Infografía
Statistics provide an interpretation and summary of data.
29 junio 2015 | Infografía
Digital currency and mobile money solutions are components of new industry classifications referred to as Financial Technology (FinTech) and Digital Financial Services (DFS).
29 junio 2015 | Infografía
Internet connectivity brings opportunities for new knowledge based industries in the Caribbean region.
Attendees of the 17th Meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the CDCC
26 junio 2015 | Noticias
Ministers and high-level Government representatives from the Caribbean gathered in Trinidad and Tobago to consider progress made in implementation of development strategies for the region on occasion of the 17th meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC).