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Lista de Publicações

Esta lista inclui um número parcial de publicações, de 1990 até hoje. Para ver a lista completa, acesse https://repository.cepal.org

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Showing 361 to 380 of 1073 results in 54 pages.
Publication cover
maio 2020 |
Publication cover
abril 2020 |
  • Gramkow, Camila

The present study seeks to explore how fiscal policies can employed to deliver both socioeconomic and environmental dividends with a focus on...

Publication cover
abril 2020 |

El mundo se encuentra ante una crisis humanitaria y sanitaria sin precedents en el último siglo. La enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19) ha...

Publication cover
abril 2020 |

La Agenda Regional de Desarrollo Social Inclusivo fue aprobada por los Estados miembros de la CEPAL en la Tercera Reunión de la Conferencia...

Publication cover
abril 2020 |
Publication cover
março 2020 |
Publication cover
fevereiro 2020 |
  • Olmos, Ximena

América Latina y el Caribe y la Unión Europea son los principales actores en el mercado global del café. La región es la mayor productora y...

Publication cover
fevereiro 2020 |

En este informe 2019-2020, la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la...

Publication cover
fevereiro 2020 |
Publication cover
janeiro 2020 |
  • McLean, Sheldon
  • Tokuda, Hidenobu
  • Skerrette, Nyasha
  • Pantin, Machel

In light of the high debt burden impacting Caribbean economies ECLAC has been pursuing an initiative designed to reduce the debt burden and...

Publication cover
janeiro 2020 |
  • Dubrie, Artie
  • Bello, Omar
  • Phillips, Willard
  • Thorne, Elizabeth
  • Alleyne, Dillon

The Small Island Developing States (SIDS) agenda for sustainable development has as its foundation the Barbados Programme of Action (BPoA 1994),...

Publication cover
janeiro 2020 |
  • Plottier, Cecilia
  • Park, Yuri

This study analyzes foreign direct investment (FDI) outflows from the Republic of Korea to Latin America and the Caribbean in the last two decades...

Publication cover
janeiro 2020 |
  • Flores, Adrián
  • Peralta Quesada, Leda

The Caribbean region is prone to disasters due to its geographic location. The exposures and resulting impacts of these disasters are aggravated...

Publication cover
novembro 2019 |
German Agency for International Cooperation
Federación Iberoamericana del Ombudsman

El presente documento incluye una serie de recomendaciones elaboradas por el grupo de trabajo de la Federación Iberoamericana del Ombudsman (FIO)...

Publication cover
janeiro 2020 |
  • Hosein, Gabrielle
  • Basdeo-Gobin, Tricia
  • Gény, Lydia Rosa

This study assesses the status of gender mainstreaming in the policy framework of the 29 Caribbean member states and Associate Members of the...

Publication cover
janeiro 2020 |
  • Barleta, Eliana
  • Sánchez, Silvana

Dando continuidad al Boletín FAL 372 referente a la nueva reglamentación sobre las emisiones de azufre del transporte marítimo, el presente tiene...

Publication cover
janeiro 2020 |
  • Bleeker, Amelia

This study investigates the role that information and communication technologies (ICT) and knowledge management (KM) are playing in supporting...

Publication cover
janeiro 2020 |
  • Dubrie, Artie
  • Thorne, Elizabeth
  • Fontes de Meira, Luciana
  • Bello, Omar
  • Phillips, Willard

The Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Accelerated Modalities of Action Pathway (hereafter referred to as the SAMOA Pathway) was adopted in...

Publication cover
janeiro 2020 |
  • Alonso, Victoria
  • Ayala, Mariana
  • Chamas, Paula

Esta publicación ilustra el potencial de las compensaciones en biodiversidad usando como caso de estudio el sector minero en la región Andina....

Publication cover
janeiro 2020 |
  • Chappuis, María

El objetivo de este documento es identificar, caracterizar y evaluar los Pasivos Ambientales Mineros en el Perú de modo que se permita su...