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Esta lista inclui um número parcial de publicações, de 1990 até hoje. Para ver a lista completa, acesse https://repository.cepal.org

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Showing 141 to 160 of 3685 results in 185 pages.
Publication cover
março 2023 |
  • Cruz Castanheira, Helena
  • Monteiro da Silva, José H. C.

La presente nota técnica tiene como objetivo presentar los métodos de distribución de defunciones (DDM, por su sigla en inglés) para la estimación...

Publication cover
outubro 2022 |

Las políticas de ciencia, tecnología e innovación deben jugar un papel central, no solo en la construcción de capacidades nacionales en materia de...

Publication cover
janeiro 2023

In the aftermath of the global financial crisis (2008–2009), the external financing needs of Latin America and the Caribbean increased...

Publication cover
janeiro 2023 |
  • Alleyne, Dillon
  • Hendrickson, Michael
  • McLean, Sheldon
  • Pantin, Machel
  • Skerrette, Nyasha

This overview examines the economic performance of economies of the Caribbean in 2021 and comprises four chapters. The first chapter provides a...

Publication cover
janeiro 2023 |
  • Floyd, Shirelle
  • Mkrtchyan, Iskuhi
  • Abdulkadri, Abdullahi

This study reviews the level of statistical skills and competencies of staff of National Statistical Offices of the Caribbean as a critical step...

Publication cover
janeiro 2023 |
  • Díaz de Astarloa, Bernardo

E-commerce fosters innovation and contributes to the process of digital transformation of MSMEs through the implementation of digital technologies...

Publication cover
janeiro 2023

En este libro se presenta un análisis comparativo de las respuestas de política de los países en desarrollo de África, Asia y América Latina y el...

Publication cover
janeiro 2023 |
  • Alexander, Dale
  • Døhl Diouf, Lika
  • Prescod, Kwesi

This study evaluates the extent to which digital inclusion is considered in Caribbean digital transformation frameworks. Digital inclusion...

Publication cover
novembro 2022 |
  • Martínez, Rodrigo
  • Maldonado, Carlos
  • Schönsteiner, Judith

A qualidade de vida, o bem-estar e o gozo de direitos das pessoas nas cidades e seus arredores estão intimamente ligados à mobilidade urbana. Sob...

Publication cover
janeiro 2023 |

United States trade in goods sustained the recovery that began in 2021. In the first six months of 2022, goods exports increased by 21% compared...

Publication cover
janeiro 2023 |

The United States economy grew by 2.9% in the third quarter of 2022, a sharp turnaround following two quarters of contraction. Trade was the main...

Publication cover
janeiro 2023 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

The economies of the subregion were hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly those dependent on tourism. As a result, the Caribbean has...

Publication cover
janeiro 2023 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

In this digitally transforming world, digital inclusion is becoming increasingly important to social inclusion and sustainable development....

Publication cover
janeiro 2023 |
Publication cover
janeiro 2023 |

El Compromiso de Santiago fue aprobado en la XIV Conferencia Regional sobre la Mujer de América Latina y el Caribe, organizada por la Comisión...

Publication cover
dezembro 2022 |
  • Walker, Laverne
  • de Paula, Jônatas

Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) is important in advancing sustainable development across the globe. One approach available to countries...

Publication cover
dezembro 2022 |
  • Agarwal, Prachi

The Information Technology enabled Services sector (also referred to as modern services) has been one of the fastest growing segments of India’s...

Publication cover
dezembro 2022 |

A atividade econômica da América Latina e do Caribe em 2022 apresenta uma taxa de crescimento superior à esperada durante o primeiro semestre do...

Publication cover
dezembro 2022 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

In Caribbean small island developing States (SIDS), electrical power outages are frequent in the aftermath of major weather events. While local...

Publication cover
dezembro 2022 |

Against a backdrop of tightening global financing conditions and higher global borrowing costs, Latin American and Caribbean issuers placed US$ 58...