Lista de Publicações

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Showing 9381 to 9400 of 9670 results in 484 pages.
Publication cover
dezembro 1993 |
  • Baumann, Renato

La integración regional se ha convertido una vez más en un tema importante
para América Latina y el Caribe. Sin embargo, a diferencia de...

Publication cover
dezembro 1993 |
  • Izam, Miguel

Aunque es difícil prever con certeza la magnitud de los efectos que tendrá el Mercado Unico Europeo (MUE); en el resto del mundo y en la propia...

Publication cover
dezembro 1993 |
  • Sánchez Albavera, Fernando

Este ensayo precisa los puntos centrales del debate sobre los recursos naturales. Destaca las cuestiones vinculadas a la soberanía, el reparto de...

Publication cover
dezembro 1993 |
  • Mortimore, Michael

The constitution of a new international industrial order dominated by a core of large transnational corporations generally makes life more...

Publication cover
dezembro 1993 |
  • Buitelaar, Rudolf
  • Mertens, Leonard

Latin American manufacturing industry has undergone various changes in recent years. It has registered a favourable performance as far as exports...

Publication cover
dezembro 1993 |
  • Durston, John

Many indigenous leaders and intellectuals in the region are asking themselves how the current rapid spread of free market principles and the...

Publication cover
dezembro 1993 |
  • Reisen, Helmut

The large capital inflows into some Latin American countries since 1990 are a mixed blessing, for they widen the trade-off between disinflation at...

Publication cover
dezembro 1993 |
  • Lederman, Daniel

Latin American development strategies have historically been inextricably linked with trade theory and policy. The author's main argument is...

Publication cover
dezembro 1993 |
  • Baumann, Renato

Regional integration has once again become an important issue for Latin America and the Caribbean. Compared with previous experiences, however,...

Publication cover
dezembro 1993 |
  • Izam, Miguel

Difficult as it is to forecast the magnitude of the impact of the Single European Market (SEM); on the rest of the world and on the European...

Publication cover
novembro 1993 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Recursos Naturales y Energía

El presente documento se orienta al análisis de las denominadas "políticas de recursos hídricos", para lo cual se describe...

Publication cover
novembro 1993 |

Las principales deficiencias de las políticas habitacionales dicen relación con la insuficiencia de los fondos asignados al sector, la...

Publication cover
novembro 1993 |
German Agency for Technical Cooperation
Publication cover
novembro 1993 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Montevideo