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Executive Forum of the Caribbean Geospatial Development Initiative, CARIGEO

30 de outubro de 2020|Evento

The regional workshop is jointly organised by United Nations Regional Committee on Global Geospatial Information Management for the Americas (UN-GGIM: Americas) and ECLAC

This Executive Forum is being staged to share knowledge and create awareness among the region’s senior decision makers on the value of leveraging geospatial and statistical data with related technologies to support policy development and decision making. The Forum also seeks to galvanize countries to action and commitment to participate in CARIGEO, through focused high-level presentations that will highlight the geospatial development imperatives and good geospatial information management practices in support of national sustainable development.The CARIGEO Executive Forum is jointly organised by United Nations Regional Committee on Global Geospatial Information Management for the Americas (UN-GGIM: Americas) and ECLAC.

30 out 2020


    De 10:00 até 13:00


    Executive Forum of the Caribbean Geospatial Development Initiative, CARIGEO (30.10.2020)


  • Welcome and opening remarks

    De 10:00 até 10:10

    » Moderate: Álvaro Monett, Regional Advisor in Geospatial Information Management, ECLAC

    • - Detailed preliminary program of the Executive Forum
      - Concept Note of the Executive Forum
      • Julio A. Santaella, President of INEGI of Mexico
      • Rolando Ocampo, Director of ECLAC Statistics Division
      • Valerie Grant, Vice-president, Private Sector Network, UN-GGIM: Americas
      CARIGEO Overview
  • High level interventions

    De 10:10 até 10:40

    » Moderate:  Paloma Merodio, President of UN-GGIM: Americas

    • • William F. Duguid, J.P., M.P., Minister of Housing, Lands and Maintenance of Barbados
      • June Soomer, Secretary General, Association of Caribbean States
      • Diane Quarless, Director, Subregional Office for the Caribbean of ECLAC
  • National perspectives

    De 10:40 até 11:10

    » Moderate:  Simone Lloyd, Senior GIS Manager/Trainer National Spatial Data Management Branch, Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation of Jamaica

    • • Siau Yong,Director Geospatial and Data & Chief Data Officer of Singapore
      • Elizabeth Stair, CEO & Commissioner of Lands, National Land Agency of Jamaica
      • Diana Castillo-Trejo, General Director, Statistical Institute of Belize
  • Floor Discussion

    De 11:10 até 11:30

    » Moderate:  Artie Dubrie,  Coordinator, Sustainable Development and Disaster Unit, Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean of ECLAC.

    • • Paloma Merodio, President of UN-GGIM: Americas
      Closing remarks