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7 junho 2017 | Infográfico
7 de junho de 2017 | Infográfico
6 de junho de 2017 | Infográfico
A CEPAL elabora a cada ano um ranking que apresenta detalhadamente os movimentos de carga em contêineres nos 120 portos da região, com base nas informações coletadas diretamente com as autoridades portuárias e profissionais dos terminais marítimos. Em 2016 esta atividade diminuiu 0,9%, com um volume total aproximado de 47,5 milhões de TEU. Esta infografía mostra os portos situados nas primeiras 20 posições do ranking
9 maio 2017 | Infográfico
Many countries are in the early stages of conceptualizing a strategy for SDG implementation. Therefore, the importance of national mainstreaming of the SDGs is critical to have national ownership of the 2030 Agenda. As Governments undertake to mainstream the SDGs in their national development plans, it is important to ensure that national, subnational and subregional indicators, as well as data collection and reporting arrangements are designed and implemented in a way that will enable globally comparable and standardized statistics to be compiled by the National Statistical Systems (NSS) of Caribbean countries. For example, the crucial role of national institutional infrastructure to drive the SDGs must be emphasized. In addition, the importance of quality, timely and disaggregated data must be recognized and the capacity needed to collect, analyse and report data and statistics must be put in place.
9 maio 2017 | Infográfico
Most small island developing States (SIDS) are net energy importers and utilize mainly fossil energy sources to drive their economies and meet social needs. Fossil energy is used primarily for power generation and domestic transportation. In light of the global challenges that arise from climate change, many countries have initiated strategies and projects for deploying renewable energy technologies, as well as enhancing energy efficiency (EE). In 2016, the International Monitory Fund (IMF) estimated that transportation accounted for 36 per cent of the total primary energy consumed in the Caribbean subregion. This information highlights the importance of increasing energy efficiency in the transportation sector as one of several strategies to improve sustainability. To date however, efforts to transition to renewable energy (RE) and to enhance EE in domestic transportation systems remain very limited.
9 maio 2017 | Infográfico
A daunting challenge faced by financial institutions in the Caribbean in recent years is the growing trend being adopted by large global banks that serve as correspondent banks to local financial institutions, to severely limit or terminate their correspondent banking relationships (CBRs) with these local or regional banks (respondent banks). This practice is considered a form of “de-risking”, whereby business relationships with clients or categories of clients considered “high-risk” are restricted or terminated. So far, financial institutions in 12 Caribbean countries have had the CBRs of at least one of their local banks terminated or “de-risked”.
26 de abril de 2017 | Infográfico
La Agenda 2030 y sus Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), aprobados en 2015, reflejan un consenso en torno a la necesidad de la cooperación internacional para corregir asimetrías y sentar las bases de un sistema internacional abierto y estable. El cumplimiento de la Agenda requiere conciliar las políticas a favor del empleo y la igualdad en cada país con las restricciones que un sistema mundial abierto impone a las decisiones nacionales.
7 de abril de 2017 | Infográfico
Esta infografía resalta los principales hitos del proceso de construcción de la Agenda Digital para América Latina y el Caribe (eLAC2018).
7 de abril de 2017 | Infográfico
La CEPAL impulsa la creación de un mercado digital regional en América Latina y el Caribe para apuntalar el crecimiento y la productividad, aprovechando las economías de escala.