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Diane Quarless, Alicia Bárcena and Daniel Titelman
23 de setembro de 2019 | News
La Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL se reunió con los Primeros Ministros de Antigua y Barbuda, Santa Lucía y San Vicente y las Granadinas en el marco del 74 período de sesiones de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas que se celebra en Nueva York.
21 junho 2018 | News
On 21 June 2018, energy experts came together to discuss their experiences in gathering and analysing energy efficiency (EE) indicators, as well as the challenges and lessons learnt in gathering EE data
27 de abril de 2018 | Comunicado de imprensa
El vigesimoséptimo período de sesiones del Comité de Desarrollo y Cooperación del Caribe (CDCC) tuvo lugar hoy en Santa Lucía y reunió a altos funcionarios encargados de la toma de decisiones procedentes de todo el Caribe.
26 de abril de 2018 | Comunicado de imprensa
La reunión, convocada por la CEPAL y organizada por el Gobierno de Santa Lucía, tuvo lugar hoy en Gros Islet.
31 julho 2017 | News
Strengthening synergies between the tourism and art and craft sectors is one of the keys to bolstering incomes from Caribbean tourists, while supporting local artisans.This was one of the observations made at an expert group meeting held on 26 July 2017 at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean’s (ECLAC) subregional headquarters for the Caribbean in Port of Spain.
GIZ final assessment workshop
8 setembro 2016 | News
ECLAC and GIZ convene meeting to assess the impact of the project entitled “Sustainable Energy in the Caribbean: Reducing the Carbon Footprint in the Caribbean through the Promotion of Energy Efficiency (EE) and the Use of Renewable Energy (RE) Technologies”.
16 maio 2016 | News
High level decision makers make ready to seize the many opportunities to be gained through initiatives in renewable energy technologies in the Caribbean, as ECLAC convenes a Regional Policy Dialogue and Training Workshop, with the support of the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ).
14 março 2016 | News
ECLAC offers technical insight on energy efficiency and renewable energy, with a view to enhancing Saint Lucia’s capacity to create improved financing products in order to attract investment that will encourage the development of the energy sector in the country.
18 junho 2015 | Infográfico
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines currently use over 66% of their total energy consumption on transport, meanwhile Grenada and Saint Lucia both use over 50%.