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24 de outubro de 2017 | Comunicado de imprensa
Propuesta de la CEPAL para el alivio de la deuda de los países más afectados por los recientes huracanes fue presentada por Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva del organismo, en reunión de alto nivel del ECOSOC en Nueva York.
27 setembro 2017 | News
A recent ECLAC Caribbean meeting found that the benefits of hosting offshore medical universities could prove especially significant for some of the smaller economies of the subregion.
5 setembro 2017 | News
A series of consultations designed to explain the importance of pursuing public expenditure reviews (PERs) as part of the budget process were conducted recently in Belize with Government Chief Executive Officers, representatives from line Ministries and finance officers.
30 de agosto de 2017 | Comunicado de imprensa
Andrew Holness abogó por una mayor integración entre los países del Caribe y América Latina y entregó su respaldo a la propuesta de alivio de la deuda caribeña presentada por el organismo.
31 julho 2017 | News
Strengthening synergies between the tourism and art and craft sectors is one of the keys to bolstering incomes from Caribbean tourists, while supporting local artisans.This was one of the observations made at an expert group meeting held on 26 July 2017 at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean’s (ECLAC) subregional headquarters for the Caribbean in Port of Spain.
20 de julho de 2017 | Comunicado de imprensa
Alicia Bárcena alentó a los países caribeños a presentar sus informes nacionales voluntarios sobre los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en las próximas ediciones del Foro Político de Alto Nivel que se realiza anualmente en Nueva York.
13 julho 2017 | Discurso
Statement by Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of ECLAC (delivered by Romain Zivy, Office of the Executive Secretary).
12 de julho de 2017 | Comunicado de imprensa
Secretaria Ejecutiva del organismo, Alicia Bárcena, presentó panorama de la subregión durante evento realizado en Nueva York en el marco del Foro Político de Alto Nivel de las Naciones Unidas.
19 maio 2017 | Discurso
Keynote Address by Antonio Prado, Deputy Executive Secretary of ECLAC, at the 18th CDCC Monitoring Committee.
19 maio 2017 | Discurso
Welcome Remarks by Antonio Prado, Deputy Executive Secretary of ECLAC.
MonCom 2017 - group photo
19 de maio de 2017 | News
La sede subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe convoca una reunión de alto nivel con el fin de debatir sobre los planes de la subregión para promover vigorosamente la implementación de Agenda 2030 y los ODS.
9 maio 2017 | Infográfico
A daunting challenge faced by financial institutions in the Caribbean in recent years is the growing trend being adopted by large global banks that serve as correspondent banks to local financial institutions, to severely limit or terminate their correspondent banking relationships (CBRs) with these local or regional banks (respondent banks). This practice is considered a form of “de-risking”, whereby business relationships with clients or categories of clients considered “high-risk” are restricted or terminated. So far, financial institutions in 12 Caribbean countries have had the CBRs of at least one of their local banks terminated or “de-risked”.
30 março 2017 | News
ECLAC has just released its latest policy brief, which examines the adjustments that the Caribbean subregion needs to make in order to attain medium-term development.
Development account project workshop - Regional
3 outubro 2016 | News
Held at ECLAC Caribbean’s sub regional headquarters in Port of Spain, from 19 to 23 September, the workshop focused on forecasting and fiscal transparency in the conduct of Public Expenditure Reviews (PERs).
Development account project workshop - Barbados
5 setembro 2016 | News
ECLAC Caribbean trains sixteen representatives from the Ministries of Finance, Education, Health, Agriculture and Social Care of Barbados in the conduct of Public Expenditure Reviews with applications for their respective sectors.
In the photo Mr. Calvin Edwards, Deputy Financial Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Saint Kitts and Nevis
9 agosto 2016 | News
Nineteen senior representatives from Saint Kitts and Nevis’ Ministries of Finance, Agriculture, Education, Health, Social Development, Sustainable Development, and Public Infrastructure actively participated in the training workshop that was held at the Ocean Terrace Inn from 25-29 July 2016.
ECLAC training in Antigua and Barbuda
4 de agosto de 2016 | News
O Secretário Permanente do Ministério da Saúde do país caribenho, Walter Christopher, valorizou as técnicas para promover a eficiência na execução dos orçamentos.
21 julho 2016 | News
This initiative complements the recently launched ECLAC proposal for debt for climate adaptation swaps since it is designed to promote fiscal responsibility and build the fiscal resilience of the Caribbean; conditions which are integral to the success of the debt swap proposal.
13 maio 2016 | News
A high level ECLAC mission that included the Director of the subregional headquarters for the Caribbean, Diane Quarless, visited Saint Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda and Barbados, to inform project stakeholders about the upcoming activities of the ongoing ECLAC Development Account project, “Strengthening the technical capacity of public finance managers in select Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS)”. The project will also be introduced to policy makers in Belize.
22 abril 2016 | Discurso
Opening Statement by Antonio Prado, Deputy Executive Secretary of ECLAC.