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A series of monographs bringing together documents arising from ECLAC studies and research.

Financing for Development

Collection of publications concerning development-related economic and financial issues. Prepared by: Economic Development Division. ISSN: 1564-4197.

Macroeconomics of Development

Collection of publications concerning the macroeconomic aspects of economic and social development over the medium and long terms and their determinants.  Prepared by: Economic Development Division. ISSN: 1680-8843.


A series consisting of technical and didactic publications prepared by ECLAC. In October 2015 this collection was renamed ECLAC Handbooks and included in the Books and Monographs collection, see here. ISSN: 1680-886X.

Gender Affairs

Collection of publications aimed at mainstreaming gender equality in public policies in the region. Prepared by: Division for Gender Affairs. ISSN: 1564-4170.

Environment and Development

Collection relating to development sustainability, the environment and human settlements. Prepared by: Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division. ISSN: 1564-4189.

Social Policy

Collection of publications concerning rights, social programmes and policies, education, health, families, youth, poverty and social inclusion, among other topics. Prepared by: Social Development Division. ISSN: 1564-4162.

Natural Resources and Development

Collection of publications on topics relating to natural resources management, logistics and mobility and physical integration in the region, among others. Prepared by: Natural Resources Division. ISSN: press: 2664-4525 ISSN electronic: 2664-4541.

Seminars and Conferences

A series bringing together documents relating to seminars and conferences organized by ECLAC. Prepared by: Office of the Executive Secretary and ECLAC divisions. ISSN: 1680-9017.

Population and Development

Collection of publications concerning the interrelations between population dynamics and economic and social development in Latin America. Prepared by: CELADE-Population and Development Division of ECLAC. ISSN: 1680-8991.

Territorial Development

A collection of publications on issues relating to territorial development. Prepared by: Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning - ILPES ISSN: 1994-7364.
