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Documents de projets

These are chiefly monographs reporting on research findings and technical studies financed by donors. Published in more flexible formats than the other collections, they often form the basis for more extensive publications in the future.

Paperless trade system of the Republic of Korea: an analysis of the UNIPASS and uTradeHub single windows

Paperless trade system of the Republic of Korea: an analysis of the UNIPASS and uTradeHub single windows

Over the last two decades, the concept of the single window for foreign trade has become an increasingly important item on the global trade facilitation agenda. Asia is home to some of the world’s most advanced single windows, and the Republic of Korea is among the pioneers in the transition...

Autor: Koh, Jonathan Descripción física: 39 pages. Éditeur: ECLAC Fecha: Septembre 2024 Symbole: LC/TS.2024/89

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Caring in times of COVID-19: A global study on the impact of the pandemic on care work and gender equality
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Protección social de emergencia frente a los impactos de la pandemia de COVID-19 en América Latina y el Caribe: evidencia y aprendizajes sobre sistemas universales, integrales,sostenibles y resilientes de protección social
Janvier 2023
Impulsionando investimentos em ônibus elétricos no Brasil: uma agenda de trabalho
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Apertura financiera, fragilidad financiera y políticas para la estabilidad económica: un análisis comparativo entre regiones del mundo en desarrollo
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Oportunidades y desafíos para la transformación productiva fueguina
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Ruralidad e interacciones rural-urbanas en regiones de planificación y territorios rurales: aportes para su caracterización a partir de una reconceptualización y remedición de lo rural en Costa Rica
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Innovative financing instruments in Latin America and the Caribbean
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Medición de la discapacidad a través de los registros administrativos de educación en América Latina: diagnóstico y recomendaciones para avanzar hacia la armonización regional
