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Documents et livres institutionnels

Institutional publications under the purview of the Office of the Executive Secretary, prepared for sessions, high-level conferences, summits and the like. These publications fall into one category or another depending on the agenda and the type of preparatory materials. They set out the organization’s thinking and the actions it proposes to meet the challenges of development in the region. As such, the institution, not an individual or individuals, is the author.

Intergenerational relations: creating a world for all ages so that no one is left behind

Intergenerational relations: creating a world for all ages so that no one is left behind

This paper, prepared jointly by the five regional commissions of the United Nations, explores the social and economic challenges and opportunities of demographic shifts towards multigenerational societies across the countries covered by the five regional commissions. It discusses the latest...

Descripción física: 37 pages Éditeur: ECLAC Fecha: Septembre 2024 Symbole: LC/TS.2024/87