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The MonCom Seminar: Positioning the Caribbean in the knowledge economy: The role of data

1 Novembre 2023|Évènement

CDCC member countries and associate members will convene for the twenty-first meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee. This is preceded by the MonCom Seminar. This year's theme Positioning the Caribbean in the knowledge economy: The role of data

The MonCom Seminar

The MonCom Seminar: Positioning the Caribbean in the knowledge economy: the role of data
The MonCom Seminar: Positioning the Caribbean in the knowledge economy: the role of data

As the countries of the subregion resolutely pursue resilient recovery post-COVID-19 in an increasingly challenging global environment, these meetings provide a timely opportunity for dialogue and exchange on practical strategies to revitalize the economies of the Caribbean and to enhance the capacities of governments to support durable development. Consideration will be given to the modern skills needed in the workforce to facilitate economic diversification and enhance productivity; how best to harness the power of data, innovation and digitalization for more effective participation in the emerging knowledge economy; and how to strengthen institutional infrastructure for creative problem-solving.


1. Opening of the meeting

2. Better data, better decisions, better lives: the value of data in a knowledge economy

3. The culture of data: where does the Caribbean stand?

4. Artificial intelligence and the Caribbean data revolution

5. Beyond official statistics: a look at citizen-generated data and other unofficial sources of data

6. Advancing digital inclusion through data and measurement

7. Closure of the meeting

Practical information

Please note that the meeting link will be shared with participants via email upon completion of registration.