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Training on methodological tools to assess the quality of estimates in household surveys

9 Décembre 2022|Évènement

This activity focuses on presenting the R library “Calidad”, a set of methodological tools to assess the quality of an estimate towards objective criteria of the estimate’s reliability in complex household surveys.

Household surveys used by countries to quantify the main social indicators have a complex design, stratified, multi-stage, and with unequal inclusion probabilities. The estimates from these statistical operations are subject to sampling error, and it becomes necessary to evaluate their statistical validity through various precision and reliability indicators.

This activity focuses on presenting the R library “Calidad”, a set of methodological tools to assess the quality of an estimate towards objective criteria of the estimate’s reliability in complex household surveys. Some applications are illustrated with actual survey data sets.

This library was developed in Latin America by the Chilean National Statistical Institute and is available in the official Comprehensive R Archive Network (

9 déc 2022

  • Methodological tools to assess the quality of estimates in household surveys

    09:30 - 12:30

    » Moderator:  Xavier Mancero, ECLAC Statistics Division

    Training on Methodological Tools to Assess the Quality of Estimates in Household Surveys

    • Haoyi Chen, UNSD and ISWGHS
      Opening remarks
      Andrés Gutiérrez, ECLAC Statistics Division
      Quality criteria to assess statistical quality in estimates from household surveys in Latin America
      Klaus Lehmann, INE Chile
      International release of the R library “Calidad”
      Klaus Lehmann, INE Chile
      Practical demonstration of the R library “Calidad”
      Ricardo Pizarro, INE Chile
      Visualization of results in Shiny
           » Questions and Answers