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Workshop on Leaving No One Behind in the Caribbean: Building resilience through universal social protection

6 Octobre 2020|Évènement

The workshop is being jointly organized by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), subregional headquarters for the Caribbean and Social Development Division, the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) and the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility Segregated Portfolio Company (CCRIF SPC), leveraging the partners’ respective technical expertise. The overarching objective of the Subregional Workshop is to promote universal and comprehensive social protection systems in the Caribbean.


Leave no one behind

The Workshop aims to strengthen the capacity of policymakers in the Caribbean in designing and implementing universal social protection systems and programmes, as well as enhance the competency of the technical staff of member States to measure inequality and identify the furthest behind as a necessary first step in reducing inequalities through social protection. The workshop will also contribute to advance the promise of Agenda 2030 to “leave no one behind” and support the attainment of specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

High-level policy makers and social development specialists from the Ministries of Social Development or equivalent institutions of CDCC Member and Associate Member Countries are the primary target audience. Representatives of social security institutions and civil society organizations will also be invited, including those of women, young people, indigenous peoples, and persons with disabilities, as well as the private sector, trade union organizations and academia. Regional representatives and officials of the United Nations system will also participate. 

Day 1

Session 1: Leaving No One Behind in the Caribbean

Moderator: Andrew Pollard, Coordinator, Poverty Alleviation and Reduction Programme, Ministry of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs, Barbados


0945 hrs – 1000 hrs Registration and welcome

1000 hrs – 1010 hrs Opening and introduction

  • Diane Quarless, Director, ECLAC subregional headquarters for
    the Caribbean
  • Dennis Zulu, Director, ILO Decent Work Team and Office for
    the Caribbean

1010 hrs –1100 hrs Emerging tools and strategies for Leaving No One Behind

Facilitator: Catarina Camarinhas, Social Affairs Officer, ECLAC subregional headquarters for the Caribbean

  • The socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 in the Caribbean (Introductory video)
    • Ricardo Bharath Hernandez, Chief, Santa Rosa First People's Community
    • Dr. Grace-Ann Cornwall, Head of Social Development Unit, Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)
    • Collette Robinson, Director, Social Protection and Gender,
      Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ)


Break (10 minutes)

1100hrs – 1215hrs Social protection systems: institutional arrangements, financing, and experiences

  • Simone Cecchini, Senior Social Affairs Officer, Officer-in-Charge of the Social Development Division, ECLAC
  • Ariel Pino, Social Protection and Occupational Safety and Health Specialist, ILO Decent Work Team and Office for the Caribbean
  • Elizabeth Emanuel, Technical Assistance Manager, CCRIF SPC

Case studies panel debate:

Facilitator: Ariel Pino, Social Protection and Occupational Safety and Health Specialist, ILO Decent Work Team and Office for the Caribbean

  • Desmond Dujon Henry, Deputy Director, National Insurance Corporation, St Lucia
    • Kendra Butler, Social Protection Officer, Government of Belize
    • Almira Henry, Director, Department of Social Policy, Research and Planning, Ministry of Social Transformation and Human Resource Development, Youth and Gender Affairs, Antigua and Barbuda
    • Kevin Silston, CEO of Medical Benefits Scheme, Antigua and Barbuda


1215 hrs – 1230 hrs Key take-aways and conclusions from day 1




Day 2

Session 2: Building resilience through universal social protection

Moderator: The British Virgin Islands representative, TBC


0945 hrs – 1000 hrs Welcome

1000 hrs –1010 hrs Recap of day 1

1010 hrs –1025 hrs The Regional Agenda for Inclusive Social Development (RAISD) and its implementation in the Caribbean

  • Rodrigo Martinez, Senior Social Affairs Officer, ECLAC Social Development Division

Questions and answers

1025 hrs –1050 hrs Planning for resilience in the Caribbean

Facilitator: Catarina Camarinhas, Social Affairs Officer, ECLAC Caribbean

  • Andria Grosvenor, Deputy Executive Director, Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA)
  • Francine Baron, CEO, Climate Resilience Execution Agency of Dominica (CREAD)
  • Emrah Engindeniz, Programme Management Officer, UN-Habitat

1050 hrs –1145 hrs Break-out sessions on the implementation of RAISD in the Caribbean. Identification of priorities for each axis, in face of COVID-19 and BBB
recovery process

  1. Universal and comprehensive social protection systems (facilitators: ECLAC and Antigua and Barbuda)
  2. Policies to promote social and labour inclusion (facilitators: ILO and Barbados)
  3. A strengthened social institutional framework (facilitators: ECLAC and CCRIF SPC)
  4. Regional cooperation and integration (facilitators: ECLAC and CDEMA)

1145 hrs – 1215 hrs Debriefing (groups’ presentations) and discussion

1215 hrs – 1230 hrs Closing remarks


Practical information

For access to a Virtual Bookshelf with a range of useful reading materials related to this workshop please see the links below.