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The Caribbean on the edge: an anthology of ideas and writings

Publication cover

The Caribbean on the edge: an anthology of ideas and writings

Auteur: Dookeran, Winston Description physique: 116 p. Éditeur: ECLAC Date: Août 2018 Symbole: LC/WAS/TS.2018/3


This book compiles and adapts different chapters written by the author during the last decades on the topic of Caribbean development. On the one hand, the document provides the reader with the opportunity to travel in time acknowledging the evolution of academia, paradigms, and frameworks regarding the Caribbean. On the other hand, it shows the reader how many of the action plans and strategies suggested through the years are still relevant and how many of the challenges and structures of Caribbean nations have not changed radically over the years, once again stressing the urgent need for action.
The document covers a wide array of topics within Caribbean growth and development, as it also takes on different approaches. The first couple of chapters are rich in historical backgrounds, providing information and analysis bringing the reader up to date with the different Caribbean challenges, while the last couple of chapters are mostly focused on strategies and action plans to achieve the objectives that had already been identified earlier on.

Table des matières

Preface .-- Prelude .-- Introduction. I. Introduction . II. The Evolution of ECLAC's School of Thought and its Influence for the Caribbean .-- Section I; Confronting the framework. I. Caribbean Development: Setting the Framework. II. Caribbean Policy Analysis: Shapping the Issues. III. Caribbean Catalogue: Recasting the Strategies .-- Section II. The Missing Link in Thinking. IV. The Politics of Development. V. Political Economy and Strategy. VI. Political Logic and Economic Logic .-- Section III. Pathways in Analytical Leadership. VII. The Imperative of Caribbean Convergence. VIII. Capturing Space in the Power of Markets. IX. The Quest for Equality and Sustainable Growth. X. Small States Diplomacy and the Liberal Order. XI. Getting Governance and Development Right.