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Long-term planning: institutional action and restructuring in the Caribbean

Publication cover

Long-term planning: institutional action and restructuring in the Caribbean

Auteur institutionnel: NU. CEPAL - NU. CEPAL. ILPES Description physique: 31 páginas. Éditeur: ECLAC Date: Novembre 2000 Symbole: LC/L.1438-P ISBN: 9211212839


Abstract The region ended the 1990s with mixed results in the area of economic and social planning. The outcomes of planning exercises have varied depending on what is understood by the planning process or system in each country (agents, agencies, subjects, knowledge, political agenda, procedures, resource-allocation, target-image, institutional framework and others). On point that does emerge, however, is the need for the State to have an agency or representative through which it can perform basic, irreplaceable planning duties, whatever the style of development or reform adopted. These include compiling experiences, consolidating gains, amending what is considered inappropriate and introducing any changes that may be necessary. The study presented in this publication focus on a basic task: An attempt to incorporate, long-term outlook, consistency and unity and to reduce uncertainty together with an efficient and equitable allocation of fiscal resources in order to give priority attention to the services, infrastructure and projects required for reducing poverty and inequalities.