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Mechanisms of follow-up to the Programme of Action on Population and Development in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean

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Mechanisms of follow-up to the Programme of Action on Population and Development in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean

Auteur institutionnel: NU. CEPAL. CELADE Description physique: 51 páginas. Éditeur: CELADE Date: Novembre 2001 Symbole: LC/L.1567-P ISBN: 9211213339


This document analyses the results of a survey conducted by the Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre (CELADE); - Population Division of ECLAC in the framework of activities underway to develop systems of indicators for follow-up to the Programme of Action on Population and Development established at the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD); of 1994, and to the Latin American and Caribbean Regional Plan of Action on Population and Development, which was approved in its final form in 1996. The data from this survey, which was conducted in late 2000, was complemented with selected information from the Eighth United Nations Inquiry among Governments on Population and Development, conducted by the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs at the United Nations Secretariat in 1998, and from the Inquiry on Country-Level Experiences since the International Conference on Population and Development, which was conducted, also in 1998, by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA);.