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Showing 9461 to 9480 of 9722 results in 487 pages.
Publication cover
agosto 1993 |
  • Katz, Jorge

Este artículo pone de relieve la necesidad de complementar las políticas macroeconómicas de estabilización, desregulación y apertura con otras...

Publication cover
agosto 1993 |
  • Batista, Paulo Nogueira

El propósito de este ensayo es contribuir al debate sobre las políticas de estabilización en condiciones de alta inflación, teniendo en cuenta la...

Publication cover
agosto 1993 |
  • Martínez Pizarro, Jorge

Tradicionalmente, la inquietud por la migración internacional de recursos humanos calificados se ha centrado en su orientación hacia países...

Publication cover
agosto 1993 |
  • Pérez, Andrés

Por su pobreza y debilidad, así como por su importancia estratégica potencial en la política mundial, América Central se ha vuelto muy vulnerable...

Publication cover
agosto 1993 |
  • Faletto, Enzo

La contribución de la sociología al conocimiento del proceso de desarrollo latinoamericano estuvo estrechamente vinculada a los estudios sobre la...

Publication cover
agosto 1993 |
  • Baño, Rodrigo

Este artículo pasa revista a diversas modificaciones en la economía regional y su efecto en la estratificación social, y analiza las posibilidades...

Publication cover
agosto 1993 |
  • Schatan, Jacobo

For those of us who shared many years of friendship and professional collaboration with Pedro Vuskovic, the news of his recent death in Mexico has...

Publication cover
agosto 1993 |
  • Rosenthal, Gert

The renewed interest sparked by the potential for intraregional cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean today has been reflected in...

Publication cover
agosto 1993 |
  • Agosin, Manuel R.
  • Ffrench-Davis, Ricardo

A major shift has been observed in the development strategies of most of the Latin American countries in recent years. One sign of this change has...

Publication cover
agosto 1993 |
  • Ramos, Joseph

The import-substitution strategy was entirely justified in the 1930s and continued to make sense until the late 1950s, so long as export...

Publication cover
agosto 1993 |
  • Katz, Jorge

This article highlights the need to complement macroeconomic policies designed to secure stabilization, deregulation and greater openness with...

Publication cover
agosto 1993 |
  • Batista, Paulo Nogueira

The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the debate on stabilization policies in conditions of high inflation in the light of the experience...

Publication cover
agosto 1993 |
  • Rufián Lizana, Dolores María

The financing of a State's sub-national levels of government, in federal and other systems alike, is an instrument of decentralization; first...

Publication cover
agosto 1993 |
  • Martínez Pizarro, Jorge

Concern about the international migration of skilled human resources has traditionally focused on migratory flows to industrialized countries, i.e...

Publication cover
agosto 1993 |
  • Pérez, Andrés

The poverty and weakness of Central America, combined with its potential strategic importance in world politics, have made this region extremely...

Publication cover
agosto 1993 |
  • Faletto, Enzo

Sociology's contribution to our understanding of the Latin American development process has been closely linked to studies on the social...

Publication cover
agosto 1993 |
  • Baño, Rodrigo

This article provides an overview of a number of changes that have taken place in the region's economy, together with their effects in terms...

Publication cover
julio 1993 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Buenos Aires
Publication cover
julio 1993 |
Argentina. Consejo Federal de Inversiones
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Buenos Aires

En el primer capítulo se presentan algunas digresiones teórico-metodológicas
en relación a los indicadores e hipótesis propuestos. En el...