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Showing 2561 to 2580 of 3685 results in 185 pages.
Publication cover
mayo 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. Servicios de Información

Region Will Meet Some Millennium Goals, But Antipoverty Fight Lagging Education Remains a Challenge Opinion by José Luis Machinea: There'...

Publication cover
abril 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

In its work in assisting member countries in meeting international commitments to the application of thorough gender analysis in formulating...

Publication cover
abril 2005 |
  • Studart, Rogério

This article examines the role of the State, institutions and financial markets in the financing of economic development, and in particular the...

Publication cover
abril 2005 |
  • Haldenwang, Christian von

The capacity of political regimes to formulate and implement
policies in the common interest appears to be a crucial factor of

Publication cover
abril 2005 |
  • Ibarra, David

First World priorities and the need for nations to coexist in harmony have given rise in each period to a set of rules constituting the...

Publication cover
abril 2005 |
  • Silva Lira, Iván

This article argues that the local and regional governments of Latin America, in an increasingly globalized world, must face new challenges that...

Publication cover
abril 2005 |
  • Arriagada, Irma

This article holds that poverty is multidimensional in nature, and
that the ways to measure it and the policies to fight it are determined...

Publication cover
abril 2005 |
  • Gonzales Arrieta, Gerardo M.

On the basis of a study on mortgage loan options available in
eight Latin American countries, this article identifies two pending tasks for...

Publication cover
abril 2005 |
  • Retamoso, Alejandro
  • Kaztman, Rubén

This article looks at two processes that are affecting the
characteristics of poverty in the city of Montevideo: the weakening of lower-...

Publication cover
abril 2005 |
  • Cortés, Fernando
  • Escobar Latapí, Agustín

This article assesses changes in absolute and relative
opportunities of access to the upper strata of the urban social and

Publication cover
abril 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. Servicios de Información

Foreign Direct Investment Rose 44% in 2004 Integration In South America's Natural Gas Industry Opinion by José Luis Machinea: Foreign...

Publication cover
abril 2005 |
Publication cover
septiembre 2005 |
  • Ghymers, Christian

Este trabajo es un intento de reunir y sintetizar algunos de los resultados de la primera fase (2000-2003) del proyecto REDIMA ejecutado en...

Publication cover
abril 2006 |

Un tema particularmente sensible.En el marco de los objetivos de desarrollo del Milenio, consagramos esta segunda edición de Desafíos a la...

Publication cover
marzo 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington
Publication cover
marzo 2005 |
IDRC. Instituto para la Conectividad en las Américas

This document is the third version of an ongoing exercise to benchmark the Plan of Action of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)....

Publication cover
marzo 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. Unidad de Inversiones y Estrategias Empresariales

La entrada de inversión extranjera directa (IED) en América Latina y el Caribe registró un incremento en el 2004, primera vez que esto ocurría...