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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 2901 to 2920 of 9703 results in 486 pages.
Publication cover
March 2016 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

This report provides an overview of Latin America and Caribbean’s access to the cross-border debt markets in 2015. The main developments of the...

Publication cover
March 2016 |

La base de datos CEPALSTAT es la plataforma de difusión de información estadística de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL...

Publication cover
March 2016

Con este trabajo sobre las cuentas de los hogares, los autores desean reafirmar el potencial analítico de la contabilidad nacional para describir...

Publication cover
March 2016 |
  • Lardé, Jeannette

This bulletin aims to describe the situation of public and private investment in Latin America’s economic infrastructure in recent years (2008-...

Publication cover
March 2016 |
Publication cover
February 2016 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Estadísticas

The Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean of ECLAC presents a set of basic statistics on the economic, sociodemographic and...

Publication cover
February 2016 |
  • Jones, Francis
  • Fox, Kristin

Caribbean census microdata are not easily accessible to researchers. Although there are well-established and commonly used procedures technical,...

Publication cover
February 2016

El presente documento hace un balance preliminar de las economías de Centroamérica y la República Dominicana (CARD) en 2015 y ofrece perspectivas...

Publication cover
February 2016 |
  • Jusidman de Bialostozky, Clara
  • Camas, Francisco J.
  • Carreón, Ingrith G.
  • Marín, Osiris E.

En este estudio se examinan varios aspectos de las modalidades del crecimiento urbano y del desarrollo de las viviendas en México con fin de...

Publication cover
February 2016 |
NU. CEPAL. Subsede de México

Este documento se enfoca en la identificación de los retos económicos, sociales y ambientales del desarrollo rural y agroalimentario en...

Publication cover
February 2016 |
  • Shack Yalta, Nelson

El presente documento da cuenta de un proceso prolijo de sistematización de la normatividad vigente sobre las APPs y las OxI en el Perú, así como...

Publication cover
February 2016 |
  • Gómez Sabaini, Juan Carlos
  • Morán, Dalmiro

La evasión tributaria ha sido y continúa siendo uno de los principales obstáculos que afectan a a las finanzas públicas de los países de América...

Publication cover
February 2016 |
  • Merino, José
  • Fierro, Eduardo

A partir de la utilización de zonas metropolitanas como unidades de análisis, en este estudio se observan las correlaciones de diversos factores...

Publication cover
February 2016 |
  • Jaimurzina, Azhar
  • Wilmsmeier, Gordon
  • Montiel, Daniela

This FAL Bulletin looks at the classification of navigable inland waterways in South America. It describes an existing classification system (ECMT...

Publication cover
February 2016 |
Publication cover
January 2016 |

The Latin American and Caribbean region has achieved notable social development in the past decade. However, much remains to be done. The...

Publication cover
January 2016 |

This version of the Preliminary Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean provides a development overview of the region’s...

Publication cover
January 2016 |
  • Bello, Omar
  • Phillips, Willard
  • Indar, Delena

In this paper, the main factors that influence the demand for maritime passenger transportation in the Caribbean were studied. While maritime...