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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 401 to 420 of 2473 results in 124 pages.
Publication cover
September 2018 |

This document is intended to guide the construction of the regional agenda for inclusive social development in particular, the discussions of the...

Publication cover
September 2018 |
Publication cover
August 2018 |
Publication cover
August 2018 |
  • Arcos García, María de los Ángeles

¿Es posible incidir en las precarias condiciones en que se desarrolla el trabajo del hogar en México? ¿Qué acciones concretas podrían emprenderse...

Publication cover
August 2018 |
  • Puyana, Alicia

This article analyses ethnic discrimination in Mexico relative to Chile, Colombia and Peru from a perspective of horizontal inequality. It...

Publication cover
August 2018 |
  • Dhrifi, Abdelhafidh

This paper investigates the effects of health-care expenditures on child mortality rates using a simultaneous-equation model for 93 developed and...

Publication cover
August 2018 |
  • Cáceres, Luis René

This study explores how deindustrialization is influencing the labour market in El Salvador. The variables under analysis are disaggregated by sex...

Publication cover
August 2018 |
  • Alarco Tosoni, Germán
  • Castillo García, César

This paper begins by reviewing the literature on the relation between economic growth and the functional distribution of income since the time of...

Publication cover
August 2018 |
  • Tezanos Vázquez, Sergio

The Latin America and the Caribbean region has an ambiguous place in the new geography of development: while it is a predominantly middle-income...

Publication cover
August 2018 |
Chile. Ministerio de Desarrollo Social

En el último decenio, en los Sistemas Nacionales de Inversión Pública se ha despertado el interés por algunas dimensiones que van más allá de los...

Publication cover
August 2018 |
  • Carrasco, Ignacio
  • Suárez, José Ignacio

En un contexto de intensificación y diversificación de los flujos migratorios en América Latina y el Caribe en las últimas décadas, caracterizados...

Publication cover
July 2018 |

El presente documento reúne conferencias y discursos de destacadas figuras del quehacer público y personalidades del mundo académico que la...

Publication cover
July 2018

La protection sociale est apparue durant ces dernières années comme un axe à partir duquel il est prévu d’intégrer une série de mesures visant à...

Publication cover
July 2018 |

The document summarizes the situation in Latin America and the Caribbean as regards economic, social and population affairs, as well as foreign...

Publication cover
July 2018 |
  • Solís, Patricio

En este trabajo se analiza la movilidad social intergeneracional en México desde un enfoque multidimensional. Se parte de una perspectiva que...

Publication cover
July 2018 |

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development reflects a consensus on the need to move towards more egalitarian, cohesive and solidarity-based...

Publication cover
June 2018 |
  • Atuesta, Bernardo
  • Mancero, Xavier
  • Tromben, Varinia

En este documento se presenta una serie de herramientas para el estudio de las múltiples desigualdades socioeconómicas que caracterizan a los...

Publication cover
June 2018 |
Publication cover
June 2018 |