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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 141 to 160 of 3287 results in 165 pages.
Publication cover
January 2023 |

The United States economy grew by 2.9% in the third quarter of 2022, a sharp turnaround following two quarters of contraction. Trade was the main...

Publication cover
January 2023 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

The economies of the subregion were hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly those dependent on tourism. As a result, the Caribbean has...

Publication cover
January 2023 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

In this digitally transforming world, digital inclusion is becoming increasingly important to social inclusion and sustainable development....

Publication cover
January 2023 |
Publication cover
January 2023 |

The Santiago Commitment was adopted at the fourteenth session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, organized by...

Publication cover
December 2022


Publication cover
December 2022 |
  • Peredo, Guillermo

En este documento se analiza la baja aportación que han representado los ingresos tributarios de las entidades federativas a los ingresos públicos...

Publication cover
December 2022 |
  • Lavalleja, Martín
  • Torres, Sebastián

El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la evolución de la calidad del empleo en Uruguay en el período 2006-2021. En particular, procura...

Publication cover
December 2022 |
  • Weller, Jürgen

Los mercados de trabajo de América Latina y el Caribe enfrentan grandes transformaciones que afectan la generación de empleo y sus características...

Publication cover
December 2022 |

Against a backdrop of tightening global financing conditions and higher global borrowing costs, Latin American and Caribbean issuers placed US$ 58...

Publication cover
December 2022 |

Employment Situation in Latin America and the Caribbean is a twice-yearly report prepared jointly by the Economic Development Division of the...

Publication cover
December 2022 |
  • Cerón Moscoso, Nicolás
  • Martín Ianni, Juan
  • Pérez Caldentey, Esteban

Este ensayo analiza el rol que cumplen los derechos especiales de giro (DEG) en la arquitectura financiera internacional, resaltando sus...

Publication cover
December 2022 |
  • Torres, Sebastián
  • Porcile, Gabriel

Este documento sintetiza el informe reciente de la CEPAL sobre los impactos de la guerra en Ucrania en la región (Repercusiones en América Latina...

Publication cover
December 2022 |

This report, prepared by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United...

Publication cover
December 2022 |
  • Cetrángolo, Oscar
  • Morán, Dalmiro
  • Calligaro, Florencia

Las medidas fiscales expansivas adoptadas para atenuar los impactos de la pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19) forzaron a los países...

Publication cover
December 2022 |
  • Rivas Valdivia, Juan Carlos
  • Gaudin, Yannick

En este estudio se ofrece una descripción sistémica general de las principales brechas estructurales horizontales y verticales existentes en...

Publication cover
December 2022 |
  • Campos Vázquez, Raymundo Miguel

The tax system is one of the main instruments used by the State to finance the provision of public goods and services. In the tax system, there...

Publication cover
July 2022 |
  • Benhamou, Salima

Los recientes avances de la inteligencia artificial están dando lugar a debates e interrogantes de gran significado y trascendencia. ¿Hasta qué...

Publication cover
December 2022 |
  • Caminha, Pedro Vilela

This article reviews the economic structure of Brazilian agriculture during the years of constrained industrialization, by providing a descriptive...

Publication cover
December 2022 |
  • Bergoeing, Raphael
  • Piguillem, Facundo

We analyse the desirability of allowing cooperative banks to participate in the interbank market in Chile. We find that it is advisable to allow...