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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 81 to 100 of 3287 results in 165 pages.
Publication cover
August 2023 |

Os desafios impostos a partir do desenho peculiar da Federação brasileira não são triviais. A dinâmica de repartição de competências e recursos...

Publication cover
August 2023 |
  • Da Silva, Frederico A. B.
  • Ziviani, Paula

O texto contribui com a discussão da Meta 11 do Plano Nacional de Cultura, que propõe o aumento do emprego formal do setor cultural, apoiada na...

Publication cover
August 2023

Este documento detalla el proceso participativo que, con el objetivo de priorizar objetivos estratégicos del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo de Cuba (...

Publication cover
August 2023 |
  • Hendrickson, Michael

This study presents an exploratory analysis of the current state of financing the implementation of quality education and resilient infrastructure...

Publication cover
August 2023
Publication cover
August 2023 |

Latin American and Caribbean bond activity in international markets recovered strongly towards the end of the first half of 2023, with a total of...

Publication cover
August 2023 |
  • Katz, Jorge

In Latin America, “islands of modernity” associated with a new biological and digital paradigm in the exploitation of natural resources and the...

Publication cover
August 2023 |
  • Poy, Santiago
  • Robles, Ramiro

We compare the effects of labour market shocks and social policy responses on people’s welfare following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in...

Publication cover
August 2023 |
  • Martí, Juan Pablo
  • Radrigán Rubio, Mario
  • Borge Marín, Dalia
  • Jácome Estrella, Hugo
  • Pereira Morais, Leandro
  • Bucheli, Marietta
  • Rojas, Juan José
  • Schujman, Mario

This article analyses recent changes in social and solidarity economy (SSE) policies in eight Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile,...

Publication cover
August 2023 |
  • Acevedo, Rafael
  • Lorca-Susino, María

How economic growth can be improved is a question that has always divided researchers, but it is one of the utmost importance, bearing directly on...

Publication cover
August 2023 |
  • Guzmán, Rolando M.
  • Lizardo, Mercedes Magdalena
  • De la Rosa, Daniel
  • Gálvez, Lisselote S.

This paper analyses the economic and social impact of a State aid programme designed to incentivize the development of the border provinces of the...

Publication cover
August 2023 |
  • Bonilla-Bolaños, Andrea
  • Villacreses, Diego

This study proposes using optimum currency areas (OCA) as a theoretical basis for analysis of the full dollarization of Ecuador, viewing the...

Publication cover
August 2023 |
  • Medeiros, Fágner João Maia
  • Bruzzi Curi, Luiz Felipe

This article analyses Raúl Prebisch’s earliest activities while still a young student at the University of Buenos Aires, between 1918 and 1922....

Publication cover
August 2023 |
  • Gazé Holguin, Tassia
  • Miguez, Thiago
  • Hasenclever, Lia
  • Freitas, Fabio

Health satellite accounts provide information to elucidate the interaction between the health sector and the rest of the economy. However, in...

Publication cover
August 2023 |
Publication cover
July 2023 |
  • Rivas Valdivia, Juan Carlos
  • Gaudin, Yannick

Los niveles de pobreza y desigualdad en Panamá han disminuido en los últimos 30 años. Sin embargo, en el país existen grandes brechas...

Publication cover
July 2023 |
  • Rivas Valdivia, Juan Carlos
  • Gaudin, Yannick

Los niveles de pobreza y desigualdad en la República Dominicana se han reducido significativamente en los últimos 30 años, si bien continúan...

Publication cover
July 2023 |
  • Romero, Indira
  • López, Jesús
  • Hess, Sara

En este documento se analiza la manera en que las normas sociales de género afectan la inclusión financiera de las mujeres en la República...

Publication cover
July 2023 |
  • Cardoso López, Diego
  • López Cabrera, Jesús Antonio
  • Villarreal, Francisco G.

Dada la importancia de la inclusión financiera, es necesario contar con información que ayude a medirla y evaluarla, por lo que el objetivo de...

Publication cover
July 2023

Este documento pone de relevancia las actividades y los sectores priorizados por el Ministerio de Desarrollo Productivo de la provincia de Tucumán...