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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 501 to 520 of 3287 results in 165 pages.
Publication cover
December 2019 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

For many countries, the acceleration of integration into the global economy and multilateral trading system provides an opportunity to access a...

Publication cover
December 2019

Competitiveness and its determinants: a systemic analysis for developing countries / Victor Medeiros, Lucas Gonçalves Godoi and Evandro Camargos...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Paiva, Pedro Henrique de Abreu
  • Bacha, Carlos José Caetano

This article analyses the GDP shares of the agriculture sector and the hydrocarbon and mining sector in the South American countries between 1960...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Ernst, Christoph
  • Epifanio, Daniele
  • Rojo Brizuela, Sofía

The Argentine economy has been becoming greener because of a new political orientation, international commitments (the Paris Agreement and the...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Souza, Helson Gomes de
  • Tabosa, Francisco José Silva
  • Araujo, Jair Andrade

This study sets out to obtain values for the income elasticities and inequality of poverty in urban and rural areas of the Brazilian states. A...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Blanco, Osvaldo
  • Julián, Dasten

This article presents a proposal for defining and measuring precarious employment. We begin by relating this phenomenon to the changing faces of...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Ruiz, José Luis
  • Tapia, Pablo
  • Donoso, José

This study simulates the social and economic effects of introducing reverse mortgages in Chile. It uses the 2009 Social Protection Survey and...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Ahmad, Ehtisham
  • Brosio, Giorgio
  • Jiménez, Juan Pablo

There is growing recognition that expanded reliance on property taxation would facilitate the achievement of sustainable development goals,...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Pontarollo, Nicola
  • Mendieta, Rodrigo
  • Ontaneda, Diego

This paper identifies the determinants of per capita gross value added (GVA) growth in Ecuador during the 2007–2015 period, using a spatial...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Cuevas, Víctor M.
  • Calderón Villarreal, Cuauhtémoc

This paper employs a vector error correction methodology to investigate the long-term determinants of consumer goods inflation and industrial...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Muinelo-Gallo, Leonel
  • Urraburu Bordon, Joana
  • Castro Scavone, Pablo

This article conducts an empirical analysis of the role of intergovernmental transfers in a group of regions (departments) in Uruguay during the...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

• In the third quarter of 2019, the U.S. economy grew at a 2.1% annualized rate. Growth was driven by consumer and government...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Carolini, Gabriella Y.
  • Lynn Hess, Sara
  • Quezada Medina, Jessica
  • Otto Thomasz, Esteban

En este estudio se explora cómo las políticas estructurales en América Latina y el Caribe dan forma implícita y explícita a las experiencias de...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

These are the main highlights of the Capital Flows to Latin America, Third Quarter 2019 edition:

• International bond issuance from Latin...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
Publication cover
November 2019 |
  • González Mata, Enrique A.
  • Romero, Indira
  • Padilla, Ramón

En este documento se identifican y analizan 12 medidas aplicadas en países de América Latina y el Caribe que han permitido detectar, controlar y...

Publication cover
October 2019 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Comercio Internacional e Integración

The global trade performance in 2019 was the worst since the international financial crisis. This edition of International Trade Outlook for Latin...

Publication cover
November 2019

La producción industrial de derivados del tomate y el cultivo del camarón son dos segmentos de la industria agroalimentaria cubana que han...

Publication cover
November 2019 |
Publication cover
October 2019 |

Gender equality is one of the most important elements of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that guide the work of all the institutions of...