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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 19 of 19 results in 1 pages.
Publication cover
November 2023 |
Publication cover
October 2023 |
Publication cover
December 2021 |
  • Gontero, Sonia
  • Menéndez, Emanuel

La información sobre el mercado laboral que permite detectar necesidades en materia de competencias representa una valiosa herramienta para la...

Publication cover
August 2021

La crisis ocasionada por la enfermedad por coronavirus ha golpeado fuertemente a la región en materia económica y social. La Organización Mundial...

Publication cover
July 2020 |

This report explores the opportunities for and challenges of the systematic use of publicly available digital data as a tool for formulating...

Publication cover
September 2019

En este estudio se postula que la introducción de la multiescalaridad en la comprensión del desarrollo territorial representa la búsqueda de una...

Publication cover
April 2018 |

This document focuses on how institutions can underpin the foundations of a long period of sustained and inclusive growth and increased well-being...

Publication cover
April 2016 |
Publication cover
January 2016 |
  • Abdulkadri, Abdullahi
  • Evans, Alecia
  • Ash, Tanisha

The data revolution for sustainable development has triggered interest in the use of big data for official statistics such that theUnited Nations...

Publication cover
September 2015 |
Publication cover
December 2014 |
  • Williams, Robert Crane

This occasional paper examines the experiences of three leading global centres of the ICT industry –
India, Silicon Valley, and Estonia – to...

Publication cover
November 2014 |
Grupo Asesor de Expertos Independientes sobre la Revolución de los Datos para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas

In September 2015, the UN Member States are expected to commit to an ambitious new set of global goals for a new era of sustainable development....

Publication cover
October 2014 |

The two main forces affecting economic development are the ongoing technological revolution and the challenge of sustainability. Technological...

Publication cover
September 2012 |