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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 21 to 40 of 1332 results in 67 pages.
Publication cover
April 2024

Enormous challenges face the countries of the region. The risk of straying further from the path towards sustainable development is clear. There...

Publication cover
April 2024 |

The second half of the implementation period agreed for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is now under way. To this end, the Economic...

Publication cover
April 2024

The Second Annual Forum on Human Rights Defenders in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean was held in Panama City from 26 to...

Publication cover
April 2024 |
  • Nalin, Lorenzo
  • Pérez Caldentey, Esteban
  • Rojas Rodríguez, Leonardo
  • Yajima, Giuliano

This article presents a stock-flow consistent model for the Central American economies. It is part of a project to develop a stock-flow consistent...

Publication cover
April 2024 |
  • Agudelo-Rivera, Camila
  • Granger-Castaño, Clark
  • Sánchez-Jabba, Andrés

This study examines the expected effects of climate change on the current account of Colombia. We present a literature review that explains how...

Publication cover
April 2024 |
Publication cover
March 2024 |

The Forum of Ministers and High-level Authorities of Housing and Urbanism of Latin America and the Caribbean (MINURVI) is the highest institution...

Publication cover
March 2024 |
  • Pica, Andrés
  • Cid, Francisca
  • Ferrer, Jimy
  • Tula, Francisco
  • Salas, Johanna
  • Mora, Marianella
  • Ávila, Sandra

En este documento se presenta la estimación del precio social del carbono en Costa Rica como resultado de la asistencia técnica prestada por la...

Publication cover
March 2024 |
  • Mochi Alemán, Prudenzio Ó.

En este documento se hace un diagnóstico documental y participativo con los actores de la región del estado de Morelos en México sobre las...

Publication cover
March 2024 |

En esta evaluación se estiman los efectos e impactos de la temporada de lluvias de 2022, haciendo énfasis en la tormenta tropical Julia. Las...

Publication cover
March 2024 |
  • McLean, Sheldon

Between 2000 and 2019 the Caribbean Community produced between 0.11 and 0.16% of global emissions. However, despite being only minor emitters...

Publication cover
November 2023 |

Climate change is increasingly evident and is having damaging repercussions. Latin America and the Caribbean is no exception, and is in fact one...

Publication cover
April 2024 |

In order to promote environmental democracy, it is necessary to strengthen access to environmental information. This right is interrelated to the...

Publication cover
March 2024 |
Publication cover
March 2024 |
Publication cover
February 2024

La Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) ha trabajado para formular y proponer una combinación adecuada de políticas sociales...

Publication cover
February 2024

Op 4 maart 2018 heeft de Latijns-Amerikaanse en Caribische regio geschiedenis geschreven toen zij in Escazú, Costa Rica, de Regionale Overeenkomst...

Publication cover
February 2024 |
Publication cover
January 2024

Climate change is a key issue on the parliamentary agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean, and its proper management can boost economic...

Publication cover
January 2024 |
  • Santa Cruz, Hernán

Tomo I - Concebida como “una visión latinoamericana de la gestación, logros, obstáculos y perspectivas del sistema de las Naciones Unidas para...