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Imagen Notas de Población
30 de May de 2023 | News
La publicación semestral, creada en 1973 por la destacada economista y demógrafa Carmen Miró, se ha consolidado como espacio plural para el análisis, la reflexión y el intercambio multidisciplinario en el campo de la población y el desarrollo.
24 de May de 2023 | Infographic
Las personas migrantes contribuyen al desarrollo sostenible de América Latina y el Caribe. Esta infografía presenta un resumen del un estudio realizado por CELADE en 4 países seleccionados en el cual se pretende visibilizar las contribuciones de las personas migrantes al desarrollo sostenible y crear políticas públicas que les permitan desplegar todo su potencial.
Portada del documento.
17 de April de 2023 | News
La publicación, elaborada por CEPAL y OPS, forma parte de una serie de informes que abordan los distintos ámbitos de actuación de la Década del Envejecimiento Saludable (2021-2030) en la región.
15 de March de 2023 | Infographic
ECLAC is an organization that conducts applied research of excellence and provides technical assistance to the governments of the region in order to formulate and monitor public policies. The historical focus of ECLAC’s subregional headquarters in Mexico is and has been the integration of the countries with which it works: Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico and Panama.
15 de March de 2023 | Infographic
A Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe (CEPAL) é pioneira na avaliação de desastres.
15 March 2023 | Infographic
15 March 2023 | Infographic
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) is a pioneer in disaster assessment in the region and developed a methodology called DaLA to assess the damages and losses caused by disasters. Find out in this infographic what it is, how it works and what it is for countries.
15 de March de 2023 | Infographic
La Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) es pionera en la evaluación de desastres en la región y desarrollo una metodología llamada DaLA. Conozca en esta infografía qué es, cómo funciona y para qué sirve a los países.
Portada del documento.
14 de March de 2023 | News
El número 115 de las Notas de Población además retoma la presentación de trabajos referentes a las repercusiones de la pandemia provocada por el COVID-19 en la región y su relación con la dinámica demográfica.
31 January 2023 | Infographic
This infographic introduces the findings from Study 112, focusing on the digital transformation journey across Caribbean nations. It highlights the varying stages of digital inclusion within countries like Anguilla, Aruba, Barbados, Belize, Jamaica, and others. The central aim is to ensure equal access to digital tools and technologies, addressing digital inequalities that mirror social inequalities, particularly in gender, migration, disability, and rural populations. Key challenges for policymakers include broadband access, digital skills training, and cybersecurity. The infographic presents a five-step strategy to build a digitally inclusive Caribbean, emphasizing people-centered transformation, data-driven approaches, and enhancing digital literacy.
26 January 2023 | Press Release
José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, the regional commission’s Executive Secretary, participated in the closing session of the Third International Forum on Migration Statistics, which was held at ECLAC’s headquarters in Chile.
15 December 2022 | Press Release
At the conclusion of the Fifth Regional Intergovernmental Conference on Ageing, authorities renewed their commitment to the Madrid International Plan of Action and the regional instruments that reinforce its implementation and relevance.
13 December 2022 | Press Release
The Fifth Regional Intergovernmental Conference on Ageing and the Rights of Older Persons was inaugurated today at ECLAC’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
Cover page of document.
13 December 2022 | News
A new document was presented during the Fifth Regional Intergovernmental Conference on Ageing and the Rights of Older Persons in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Image of the conference website
10 December 2022 | News
The main panels of this event will be transmitted live on December 13-15, 2022. The invitation on social media is to participate in the debates using the hashtags #ageing and #olderpersons.
Meeting banner.
7 December 2022 | Announcement
The meeting will take place using a hybrid format (in-person and virtual) on December 13-15, 2022 at the United Nations regional organization’s central headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
Cover page of document.
17 November 2022 | News
The 2022 edition of ECLAC’s Demographic Observatory confirms that the region had the biggest loss of years of life expectancy at birth in 2021 versus 2019, and a sharp reduction in population growth.
Portada del documento.
16 de November de 2022 | News
Crecimiento y sostén de sectores inmobiliarios, de construcción, alojamiento, agricultura y ganadería dependen de los trabajadores y las trabajadoras migrantes.
Picture of people walking
14 November 2022 | News
The region’s population represents 8.2% of the global population today. It is projected that the region will achieve its maximum population in 2056.