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17 September 2021 | Press Release
The Commission’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, officially submitted the proposal addressing the structural causes of migration to high-level authorities from these countries.
Banner con banderas de Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras y Nicaragua.
15 de September de 2021 | News
En una declaración pública, Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la Comisión regional de las Naciones Unidas, destacó la profunda vocación integradora y solidaria centroamericana.
Meeting banner.
14 September 2021 | Announcement
In representation of their governments, high authorities from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico will receive the document they requested from the United Nations regional commission to address the structural causes of migration.
3 de September de 2021 | Press Release
La Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) y el Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA) presentaron el informe “Perspectivas de la Agricultura y del Desarrollo Rural en las Américas, una mirada hacia América Latina y el Caribe".
31 August 2021 | Press Release
ECLAC’s new annual report warns that the crisis has worsened the region’s structural problems, forecasts a deceleration for next year, and affirms that in order to sustain inclusive, dynamic and sustainable growth, more investment and employment are needed.
26 August 2021 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, participated today in a high-level forum organized by FILAC, where she stressed the urgency of reaffirming the centrality of indigenous peoples’ rights and of making the “Good Living” paradigm a reality.
Banner Economic Survey 2021 ENG
24 August 2021 | Announcement
One of the organization’s main annual economic reports will be unveiled by Alicia Bárcena at a virtual press conference, on Tuesday, August 31.
20 August 2021 | Press Release
The proposal, which seeks to strengthen the region’s institutional framework in the area of cooperation, will be submitted to ECLAC’s Committee of the Whole for consideration in November.
19 August 2021 | Press Release
High-level authorities from the region are participating in the Extraordinary Meeting of the Committee on South-South Cooperation of ECLAC, which was inaugurated today.
18 August 2021 | Announcement
On August 19-20, an extraordinary meeting of the Committee on South-South Cooperation, which is a subsidiary body of ECLAC, will take place virtually.
17 August 2021 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary participated in the launch of the State of the Climate in Latin America and the Caribbean 2020 Report, produced by the World Meteorological Organization.
Panel de la reunión.
11 de August de 2021 | News
La Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL participó hoy en un evento organizado por la Iniciativa Social para América Latina y el Caribe (ISALC).
5 August 2021 | Press Release
In a new report, ECLAC calls on the region’s countries to channel FDI flows – which are expected to hold steady in 2021 – towards activities that generate greater productivity, innovation and technology.
Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL
3 de August de 2021 | News
En evento organizado por UNESCO, la Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL, Alicia Bárcena, señaló que el organismo está desarrollando a solicitud de CELAC una hoja de ruta para apoyar la producción de vacunas en la región.
2 August 2021 | Announcement
The main conclusions of the study, which addresses the impact of the COVID-19 crisis, will be released this Thursday, August 5 during a virtual press conference held by Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of the United Nations regional organization.
Portada boletín de comercio exterior del MERCOSUR No. 4
29 de July de 2021 | News
En una nueva edición de su Boletín sobre comercio exterior del bloque, la CEPAL señala que se requerirá de renovados esfuerzos nacionales para el desarrollo productivo acompañados de una mayor fluidez comercial y armonización normativa internas.
decda envejecimiento saludable
26 de July de 2021 | Announcement
La Academia Diplomática de Chile (ACADE) y el Servicio Nacional del Adulto Mayor (SENAMA) convocan a una reflexión con el objeto de contribuir a la implementación efectiva y participativa de la Década del Envejecimiento Saludable 2021-2030. Esta es una iniciativa de colaboración global, alineada con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), que reúne a gobiernos, sociedad civil, agencias internacionales, profesionales, academia, medios de comunicación y sector privado para mejorar la vida de las personas mayores, la de sus familias, entornos cercanos y las comunidades en las que viven.
24 July 2021 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of the UN regional commission, presented progress on the Comprehensive Plan for Health Self-Sufficiency, during the XXI Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of CELAC.
foto del lanzamiento del Mapa Federal del Cuidado en Argentina
22 de July de 2021 | News
El Director de la Oficina en Buenos Aires, Martín Abeles, intervino en un evento encabezado por la Ministra de las Mujeres, Géneros y Diversidad, Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta, en la Casa Rosada.
Foto grupal reunión CARICOM-ONU
21 July 2021 | News
The organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, participated in the 11th general meeting between CARICOM and the United Nations System.