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Costa Rica lanza Estrategia Nacional de Bioeconomía
7 August 2020 | Briefing note
The process was supported by the ECLAC-BMZ/giz cooperation programme 07/2018-06/2020 on "Sustainable development paths for middle-income countries in the context of the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development in Latin America and the Caribbean".
29 June 2020 | Press Release
In a joint virtual seminar with the Federal Senate of Brazil, the commission’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, emphasized that a new development model will be needed after the COVID-19 pandemic.
26 de May de 2020 | Briefing note
On May 26th, the ECLAC office in Brasilia, together with the Brazilian Global Compact Network, held a webinar about the "Big Push for Sustainability", in which more than 60 case studies of investments for sustainable development in Brazil were presented.