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28 September 2023 | Announcement
The Fifth Session of the Regional Conference on Social Development in Latin America and the Caribbean – organized by ECLAC, the Government of Chile and the UNDP – will be centered on strengthening the social institutional framework in the region.
Foto de participantes en el evento
27 de September de 2023 | News
El Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL expuso en la Conferencia anual del Foro Global de la OCDE sobre Productividad inaugurado hoy en la Cancillería de Chile.
26 de September de 2023 | Speech
Palabras de José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL.
26 September 2023 | Press Release
The Twelfth Meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas was inaugurated today at ECLAC’s main headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
Meeting banner with Ricardo Hausmann's photo.
25 September 2023 | Announcement
The economist – founder and Director of Harvard University’s Growth Lab – will make a presentation on Thursday, September 28 as part of the activities commemorating the United Nations regional organization’s 75th anniversary.
Meeting banner.
21 September 2023 | Announcement
This intergovernmental gathering will be held at the United Nations regional organization’s main headquarters in Santiago, Chile on September 26-28, 2023.
José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL
20 September 2023 | News
Known by its Spanish acronym, FACRID, this instrument aims to secure resources and implement projects for disaster prevention, reduction, mitigation, response and recovery in the region.
16 September 2023 | Press Release
At the meeting held in Cuba, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs spoke on behalf of the five United Nations Regional Commissions and held bilateral meetings with senior government officials.
16 de September de 2023 | Speech
Palabras de José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL.
12 September 2023 | Press Release
The former President of Finland gave a keynote speech at ECLAC headquarters in Santiago, Chile, where she was received by the Executive Secretary of the UN regional organization, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs.
12 de September de 2023 | Speech
Palabras de José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL.
Image of Tarja Halonen, former President of Finland
7 September 2023 | Announcement
The former President of Finland will give a keynote lecture on Tuesday, September 12 at the UN regional organization’s central headquarters, where she will be received by the Executive Secretary, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs.
5 September 2023 | Press Release
In a new flagship annual report, ECLAC indicates that the region’s countries will continue to face an economic scenario of low growth. It is expected that regional Gross Domestic Product will grow 1.5% in 2024, slightly below the 1.7% estimated for the current year.
4 de September de 2023 | Speech
Palabras de bienvenida de José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL.
José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, ECLAC's Executive Secretary, during his presentation.
31 August 2023 | News
José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, participated in the TEDxPuraVida 2023 conference that took place in Costa Rica.
Banner Economic Survey of LAC 2023. Composite image of graphics and title of the document
30 August 2023 | Announcement
The United Nations regional organization’s Executive Secretary, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, will lead a press conference to unveil the report next Tuesday, September 5 in Santiago, Chile.
10 July 2023 | Press Release
In a new report, ECLAC calls on countries to improve their policy design to take advantage of the contribution that FDI can make to the energy transition and to the region’s sustainable productive development.
3 July 2023 | Announcement
José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, the United Nations regional organization’s Executive Secretary, will hold a press conference on Monday, July 10, 2023.
Imagen del seminario
20 June 2023 | News
Authorities and specialists inaugurated an international seminar entitled “Inequality Gaps in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean,” which is taking place through Wednesday, June 21 in San José, Costa Rica.
Fotografía de los participantes en la reunión.
14 de June de 2023 | News
En seminario regional, expertos instaron a garantizar que la migración sea una opción informada y libre, y no una necesidad impuesta por las carencias y el sufrimiento.