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Showing 2601 to 2620 of 2938 results in 147 pages.
24 March 2009 | Meetings and technical symposiums
9 February 2009 | Committee of the Whole
9 February 2009 | Meetings and technical symposiums
26 January 2009 | Meetings and technical symposiums
10 January 2009 | Meetings and technical symposiums
Esta Reunión se realiza en el marco de las actividades de seguimiento de la declaración de Brasilia con el propósito de arribar a propuestas en relación a como avanzar en la elaboración de una Convención de los derechos de las personas de edad y la designación de un Relator especial en el seno de...
15 December 2008 | Meetings and technical symposiums
10 December 2008 | Meetings and technical symposiums
The general objectives are to update the situation regarding the measurement of internal, international migration and everyday mobility based on recent censuses and present recommendations for the next censuses round.
4 December 2008 | Presiding officers
The opening session of the forty-second meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean has been held with the participation of authorities of national machineries for the advancement of women from 15 countries in the region and...
1 December 2008 | Meetings and technical symposiums
Seminario organizado por: FAO en conjunto con CEPAL, PNUD y el PMA.
26 November 2008 | Meetings and technical symposiums
24 November 2008 | Meetings and technical symposiums
The general objective is to interchange and share experiences, methodologies, procedures, needs and difficulties in the process of cartographic updating and make recommendations for the next 2010 census round.
19 November 2008 | Meetings and technical symposiums
The general objective is to contribute to the inclusion of the ethnic approach in the 2010 census round processes through the participation of afro descendants and indigenous peoples. The specific objectives are to update the situation concerning the way countries of the region have included the...