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Showing 2221 to 2240 of 2938 results in 147 pages.
12 May 2014 | Meetings and technical symposiums
7 May 2014 | Commitees
The thirty-fifth session of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) was hold in Lima from 5 to 9 May 2014. By resolution 661(XXXIV), adopted at the thirty-fourth session of ECLAC (San Salvador, 27 to 31 August 2012), member States agreed that Peru would host the meeting...
5 May 2014 | Meetings and technical symposiums
5 May 2014 | Sessions of the Commission
The session is the most important biennial meeting of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). It serves as a forum for consideration of pressing development issues for the countries of the region, as well as an occasion to review the progress of the Commission’s work.
29 April 2014 | Meetings and technical symposiums
25 April 2014 | Meetings and technical symposiums
24 April 2014 | Meetings and technical symposiums
Objetivo: procurar hacerse eco de algunos problemas de la región que captan en la actualidad el interés de los académicos, como las dificultades asociadas a estructuras productivas desequilibradas y fuertemente volcadas a la explotación de recursos naturales, la debilidad de los procesos de...
23 April 2014 | Meetings and technical symposiums
23 April 2014 | Meetings and technical symposiums
22 April 2014 | Meetings and technical symposiums
Analizar el potencial que abre la icorporación de innovaciones sustentables para lamejora de la competitividad y detectar necesidades y oportunidades de mejora que abre la innovación sustentable para los sectores plástico, madera, alimenticio y autopartes
22 April 2014 | Meetings and technical symposiums
21 April 2014 | Meetings and technical symposiums