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Showing 381 to 400 of 553 results in 28 pages.
5 October 2017 | Presiding officers
The fifty-sixth meeting of the Presiding Officers was held from 5 to 6 October 2017 in Havana, Cuba.
2 October 2017 | Meetings and technical symposiums
One year on from Habitat III, the Cities Conference focused on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean for inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities.
26 September 2017 | Meetings and technical symposiums
30 August 2017 | Meetings and technical symposiums
The aim of the meeting will be to generate inputs that the governments will use in negotiations on the global compact.
17 August 2017 | Other events
Organizado por la División de Asuntos de Género de la CEPAL y el Área Género Sociedad y Políticas de FLACSO Argentina.
11 August 2017 | Meetings and technical symposiums
El Observatorio de juventud para América Latina y el Caribe. JUVeLAC, desarrolló el seminario virtual "Juventud y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS)", para marcar el Día Internacional de la Juventud.
13 July 2017 | Intergovernmental meetings
The meeting will focus on articles 11 to 25 of the compilation text as a whole and the administrative, financial and budgetary implications of the future agreement. Deadline to register: Monday, 10 July 2017.
27 June 2017 | Meetings and technical symposiums
14 June 2017 | Meetings and technical symposiums
23 May 2017 | Intergovernmental meetings
The meeting will focus on articles 11 to 25 of the compilation text and the administrative, financial and budgetary implications of the future agreement.
27 April 2017 | Meetings and technical symposiums
The primary purpose and objective of this workshop is to continue providing Caribbean stakeholders from various sectors with interactive sessions along the theme of utilizing technology innovations towards the goal of improving financial transactions and financing arrangements