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Showing 21 to 34 of 34 results in 2 pages.
12 July 2018 | Meetings and technical symposiums
El objetivo de la reunión es difundir los resultados de la iniciativa, necesidades de conocimiento ambiental en Chile, proceso que definió las prioridades de los vacíos y brechas en la generación de conocimiento ambiental de alta relevancia para fortalecer el desarrollo sostenible del país.
17 October 2017 | Intergovernmental meetings
23 June 2017 | Intergovernmental meetings
The objective of the workshop will be to raise awareness on environmental democracy and access rights as well as review the current Principle 10 negotiation process and build the capacities of government officials in Dominica in view of the future adoption of a regional agreement on this matter.
20 June 2017 | Intergovernmental meetings
The objectives of the seminar are to raise awareness on Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration and provide information on its implementation in the Caribbean sub-region; examine the steps required for its effective implementation into domestic laws, regulations and policies in Grenada, and discuss the...
31 March 2017 | Meetings and technical symposiums
Socialización y presentación de resultados del estudio "Valoración económica de la reducción de la contaminación del aire en la Salud. El caso del gran área metropolitana de Costa Rica"
10 November 2016 | Meetings of the United Nations system
21 July 2016 | Meetings and technical symposiums
7 September 2015 | Meetings and technical symposiums
El seminario convoca a responsables de política pública, asesores, y expertos investigadores que estén familiarizados con los retos interrelacionados entre el medio ambiente, el desarrollo sostenible, instrumentos económicos y fiscales ambientales. Se espera que entre los participantes y expertos...
30 March 2015 | Meetings and technical symposiums
El Seminario pretende promover el conocimiento y el intercambio de experiencias entre académicos y autoridades de la Región de América Latina y de Noruega sobre el diseño e implementación de políticas públicas orientadas hacia una mayor igualdad y difundir los resultados, compartir la lecciones...
3 December 2013 | Intergovernmental meetings
The First Meeting of Environmental Information: Progress and Challenges towards Environmental Governance was held on December 3-4, 2013 at ECLAC's headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
6 November 2012 | Intergovernmental meetings
The first meeting of the focal points designated by the governments of the countries that signed the declaration on the application of principle 10 was held at the headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in Santiago, November 6-7, 2012.