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Showing 61 to 80 of 104 results in 6 pages.
9 October 2020 | Other events
ECLAC, in cooperation with GIZ, presented the case of Bolivia on indicators and evidence-based policies under the Nexus approach.
7 October 2020 | Other events
Irrigation analysis in rural territories of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Southern Mexico under the Nexus approach.
3 September 2020 | Other events
El Boletín No. 1 sobre Recursos Naturales en América Latina y el Caribe, elaborado por la División de Recursos Naturales (DRN) de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), presenta un análisis conjunto del rol del agua, la energía, la agricultura, la biodiversidad y los...
31 July 2020 | Other events
On July 31, 2020, the virtual forum "Water-Energy-Food Nexus: a lever to achieve sustainable development" was held, which was part of a series of interviews called "Talk to Inspire" that was organized by the organization Mexico Actua and Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM). The event...
24 June 2020 | Meetings and technical symposiums
The Natural Resources Division of ECLAC, in collaboration with ILPES and GIZ, presented to the Network of National Public Investment Systems (SNIP) of Latin America and the Caribbean methodological guidelines for the adoption of the Nexus approach in the design of policies, plans and projects in...
30 April 2020 | Other events
Más de 170 participantes, representando a 23 países y más de 70 instituciones
22 April 2020 | Other events
On April 22, 2020, the X Regional Webinar: "Experiences in the construction of environmental indicators for SDG 6" was conducted, the event was organized by the Statistics Division of ECLAC.
4 March 2020 | Other events
On March 4 and 5, 2020, in San José, Costa Rica, the Regional Workshop " Using SDG 6 Policy Support System (SDG-PSS) to facilitate countries in Latin America and the Caribbean for water-related sustainable development" was carried out.
23 January 2020 | Meetings and technical symposiums
Conversatorio técnico acerca de los desafíos de la gestión del agua en Chile para el desarrollo sostenible
23 January 2020 | Meetings and technical symposiums
Technical dialogue on the challenges for water management and sustainable development in Chile
14 January 2020 | Other events
Third Nexus Virtual Forum for Latin American and Caribbean to discuss the main regional challenges of Integrated Watershed Management from a nexus perspective.
19 November 2019 | Other events
Second Nexus Virtual Forum for Latin American and Caribbean countries on experiences and challenges of photovoltaic solar irrigation systems
1 October 2019 | Other events
On October 1st, 2019, in La Paz, Bolivia, ECLAC participated in the "Nexus on Course towards 2025" Forum.
5 September 2019 | Other events
First Nexus Virtual Forum for Latin America and the Caribbean to discuss the challenges of multipurpose projects in the region
5 June 2019 | Other events
Natural Resources Division of ECLAC collaborated in the “3rd Executive Committee Meeting & Partners Meeting: Nexus Dialogue Programme, Phase I”, on June 5 and 6 2019, in Bonn, Germany
28 May 2019 | Other events
Reunión en el marco del Observatorio Regional sobre Energías Sostenibles
24 April 2019 | Other events
UNESCO, in coordination with the Natural Resources Division (NRD) of ECLAC, organized the side event "The value of water in the 2030 Agenda ": Reality and challenges”, to promote a regional dialogue space on the relevance of water to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
8 September 2018 | Meetings and technical symposiums
Sede de la CEPAL, Santiago de Chile, el día 9 de agosto de 2018.